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Make sure to bring lots of med packs, our 64 player beach server is intense!
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Fri Jun 27, 2003 4:42 pm

Im not here to complain about any of the Admins.. in fact I think they do a great job. I have much respect for Keek and all of S.S. and even the regs who aren't admins (not tryin to kiss ass).

I was wondering what I would have to do to become an Admin. Do I have to try out for a clan? Pay a monthly fee? I dont know. But Iwould love to be a bigger part of the 24/7 beach server and try to keep peace along with Keek, S.S. and the other people I play with every day. So if anyone would like to tell me, IM me at AIM: smartazzjester or email me at smartazzjester@hotmail.com please. Thank you for your time.
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