Respawn Killing

Make sure to bring lots of med packs, our 64 player beach server is intense!

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Postby MeatShield » Fri Nov 15, 2002 3:57 am

oh lord.... not a flame thread.... nope.. won't do it.. I'll just hurdle your dead gibed remains and continue on... :flame:

Sei Ignorante!

Postby Sei Ignorante! » Fri Nov 15, 2002 5:04 am

Whatever. Remember that the only thing separating you and I is air and opportunity (and about 4 feet of space between our chairs :confused: )

So bring it on little girl.



Postby MMmmGood » Fri Nov 15, 2002 5:12 am

Knock it off please fellas


The forward bunker is axis territory

Postby slow » Fri Nov 15, 2002 9:59 am

Axis should be able to bomb the hell out of the forward bunker since the Allies have a spawn point way down the beach. Throwing grenades in the forward bunker is effective, it kills alot, and its a great idea.

I really dont get this whole debate, what are Axis supposed to do..."wait, dont bomb the forward bunker, let the Allies escape from the wouldnt be fair if we threw a grenade in while the respawning.." I mean heaven forbid some people should die after respawn. Its this kind of fixing of the game that in modern society results in social legislation and welfare. No more welfare in RTCW please.


Postby Edogg » Fri Nov 15, 2002 12:49 pm

slow its obvious you have never played on the allies when there are 60 people on the server. Everyone and their mothers and grandmothers are Lts. on the axis. And hey..guess where they are all aiming...the forward bunker. That is just not fair. I dont mind an occasional artillery or airstrike, but when it is continuous artillery strikes the game just isnt fun anymore. I think you need to break out of your little shell and try other things, and here is a thought... try actually playing on the allies.


Postby 6undam » Fri Nov 15, 2002 1:10 pm

I'm both for and against but more for... :) As allies running down trenches faced with an already overwhelming axis force (there are normally much more axis than allies, reason apparently being allies have shorter spawn times and more lives which I'm not too sure I agree on but that's a different matter), I think it makes axis think twice before casually launching a panzer or airstrike to the bunker... as Edogg says, it can be frustrating to be consistantly panzer'd or airstriked... more satisfying dying at the hands of skilled player with a gun... :D True, the 6s/4s spawn invulnerability is enough to get allies out of the bunker but again, it does make axis think about just chucking an airstrike cannister....

Allies are the assault, and axis defenders... I'd have thought allies should have a larger allowed force than axis... Logically, I don't think you would send in a small assault team... small infiltration team, but not assault... so based on numbers, I'm more biased towards the new penalty system. IMHO of course. :D

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Postby Lord ZOG » Fri Nov 15, 2002 1:15 pm

Actually my grandmother prefers the panzer. She claims that while waiting for the recharge, after she gibs 6 or seven hapless Allied scums, she can hang her embroidery from the steaming tube.

But, please...grand-mama....don't block the forward bunker door to Spawn kill the Axis bunker. I got to get the heck out of their and FAST!!!

And dear MmmmmGood, can you modify the server so that no-one can kill me? I'm sure with your mastery of the code, you can help me attain Virtual GOD status on the server. I like the game, but those nasty bullets and air strikes are really giving me a hard time.

Thank you.

P.S. Meat Shield Rules. I'm there to defend you, man!!
Lord ZOG

"Well hello Mister Fancypants. Well, I've got news for you pal, you ain't leadin' but two things: Jack and shit... and Jack just left town."

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Postby S.S. N » Fri Nov 15, 2002 1:24 pm

hahaha, your granny. my little sister(7) plays as the name dirty (metal) spike sometimes. im not kidding. so if you ever see the chara playing like a retard...thats why. ill say hi to your grandma the next time i get frustrated from getting hit by her panz all the time and panz her back.



Postby PhoEniX » Fri Nov 15, 2002 3:18 pm

well said edogg although the bunker is an axis position it is still spawn killing hence the word spawn they are sapwning there if the axis wants he bunker back then they can run for it and drop nades that dosnt bother me i wouldnt count that as spawn killing but when u panzer 5 allies when they had just spawned thats crap especially when u have limitied lives spawn killing is to effective. if u want hte bunker back u can ru full force in there run around for 2 seconds and drop nades and it wont penalize u ( right? doesnt it only penalize if they are still invulnerable? ) b/c if so then it takes 4 sec for a nade to go off i think the penalty will help alot of whining


How does that make sense?

Postby slow » Fri Nov 15, 2002 5:31 pm

"if u want hte bunker back u can ru full force in there run around for 2 seconds and drop nades and it wont penalize u ( right? doesnt it only penalize if they are still invulnerable? ) b/c if so then it takes 4 sec for a nade to go off i think the penalty will help alot of whining"PhoEniX

...what if you drop a grenade in the forward bunker, then 2 sec. later allies respawn? Sorry, Im getting pedantic. Its just an annoying rule, sooner or later everybody is going to get penalized for spawn killing. I got penalized in the basement for killing some guy a medic revived, how does that make sense?

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Re: How does that make sense?

Postby Lord ZOG » Fri Nov 15, 2002 6:33 pm

Originally posted by slow
...what if you drop a grenade in the forward bunker, then 2 sec. later allies respawn? Sorry, Im getting pedantic. Its just an annoying rule, sooner or later everybody is going to get penalized for spawn killing. I got penalized in the basement for killing some guy a medic revived, how does that make sense?

I think thw whole idea is for you not to be hanging around there, growing roots like a tree or something. Why are you dropping nades in the forward bunker?? Get the flag and get the eff out!!

Know what ticks me off?? Sometimes in the middle of a game, a newly joining Axis scum will actually spawn at the forward bunker!! Sometimes I feel sorry for the poor sod....he pops into a leisurely game and is suddenly placed amidst 12 or so freshly gibbed, freshly spawned, invulnerable Allied Scum!! Oops!

It's actually a pain either way. The Allies are fighting hard to keep the forward bunker and some newly entering scum spaewns there, takes the flag and now I have to run up the beach again.
Lord ZOG

"Well hello Mister Fancypants. Well, I've got news for you pal, you ain't leadin' but two things: Jack and shit... and Jack just left town."


Postby [A.S.H.]ironman » Fri Nov 15, 2002 10:41 pm

Originally posted by MMmmGood
Yes, its bad now. If you hit the enemy while they are still invulnerable after spawn, you are penalized for spawn killing.

Especially with mortar. I found that mortar fire on top of the bunker goes through the roof into the actual bunker, hence is using an exploit.

However, I have turned down the spawn invulnerability from 6 seconds to 4, and this also goes for Allies spawn camping as well.

All weapons except for bullets will trigger the spawn camp alarm.

hi dude

it always did..the mortar rounds trough the roof...


Postby MeatShield » Sat Nov 16, 2002 12:12 am

this has turned out to be quite a lively little thread... $0.02, I consistently play both sides, and i feel that the 4 sec buffer would be sufficient. The penalty for spawn killing i dont really think is necessary, as long as i can rush through all of the "shake"... and heaven forbid there is a panzer-ass blocking the doorway... i wish i could team kill at that time. And as for the axis rushing the bunker while i respawn...this is the most fun since i never take any health hits, while i head shot 2Lts, and a flamer!! :rotflmao:


Postby PhoEniX » Sat Nov 16, 2002 1:35 am

grrrr i fucking hate my fucking keyboard it keeps pressing yyyyyyyyy down so it took me 10 min to tpe in m password and now the ke wont even work AHHHHHHHHHHHHH but anyway i agree with meat i have mixed feelings but i look at it like this......if enouygh ppl keep complaining it wont matter wut i think it will be gone. i personally would rather have it sta but thats just me.


Postby PhoEniX » Sat Nov 16, 2002 2:14 am

holy shit!!!! i jsut got off reg beach man it was all freaking sopawn killing everu time i spawned there was atleast 5 airstrikes ready to greet me i died atleast 10 times in a row b/c of suypports i am juyst sick of that crap ill be glad when they puyt back the damn penalty gd its annoying!


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