Very Important Update On Server Crashes!!!

Make sure to bring lots of med packs, our 64 player beach server is intense!

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Very Important Update On Server Crashes!!!

Postby MMmmGood » Fri Nov 15, 2002 4:49 am

Hey All-

Well after working closely with Shrub and trying to find out what is causing the crashes, were both stumped, so heres what we are going to do.

Tomorrow afternoon/evening I am going to replace the current Shrub mod with the version posted on his website that will work with 1.4.

What this means is that a lot of the features you guys love will be gone, but dont worry! Shrub will gradually add a feature one by one to see exactly what is causing the crashes. So over time you WILL get all of them back. I will provide a list below of the features that will be going away, and gradually added back. I apologize for all this mess, and I hope I havent lost any of you guys over it.


Medics ability to carry 2 grenades
Leiutenants ability to carry 2 grenades
Medics ability to start with a spare clip
Smoke Grenades
Extended Spawn Invulnerability Time
Spawn Camping Penalties


Postby 6undam » Fri Nov 15, 2002 9:14 am

Oh no... I can already see my gibbed remains in the bunker.. :blow:


screw the spawn camping penalties

Postby slow » Fri Nov 15, 2002 10:05 am

I say leave out the spawn camping penalties, the suck.

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Postby S.S. N » Fri Nov 15, 2002 12:18 pm

there are spawn camping penaltys? what are the particulars? i dont think ive ever gotten to see that. //edit//just spotted the explanation thread 2 down. sorry.


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Re: screw the spawn camping penalties

Postby Lord ZOG » Fri Nov 15, 2002 1:02 pm

Originally posted by slow
I say leave out the spawn camping penalties, the suck.

Spoken like a true, died-in-the-wool spawn camping scum.

Well said, von Camper.
Lord ZOG

"Well hello Mister Fancypants. Well, I've got news for you pal, you ain't leadin' but two things: Jack and shit... and Jack just left town."


Okay I admit my typing sucks

Postby slow » Fri Nov 15, 2002 1:57 pm

You got me Lord Zog. I suck as a typist. I meant to say "they" but I only put down "the", so as you pointed out that is how Spawn Camping scum say it correctly. Actually, I dont even play as Lt, usually Im a medic or engineer, its the principle that bothers me. I think spawn killing is effective, and also the Forward Bunker is an axis position. Since your from Boston maybe you can explain why Spawn Camp Killing is wrong.


Postby Edogg » Fri Nov 15, 2002 2:18 pm

well shit spawn killing is effective. Its too effective.


Re: Re: screw the spawn camping penalties

Postby [A.S.H.]ironman » Fri Nov 15, 2002 5:20 pm

Originally posted by S.S. Lord ZOG
Spoken like a true, died-in-the-wool spawn camping scum.

Well said, von Camper.

man the penaly's suck.... i trew a nade in the f bunker to get the flag and i get a penalty..tht isnt right....arent we supposed to get the flag back as axis??????????

and u dont need to be a spawn camper to think tht it sucks zog..i can honestly say im not a spawn camper...
But a flag re-taker.....

and the only people tht are scum are persons tht call people scum for coming up for what they believe in.....

And to all those I*^(&*)*(&789 spawn killers i say.....wouldt u like it to happen to you????....No i didnt thinkl so...



Postby A.S.H.HaVoK » Fri Nov 15, 2002 5:20 pm

I know spawn killing sucks.. Ive been caught by it many times especailly with those f^&%* medics with their poison needles... But You have to think nothing is fair when it comes to war if you can find a good way to slow down the enemy, good job.. Every team needs a good spawn killer every now and then lol... But dang those medics with their needles!!!

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Spawn Killing

Postby Lord ZOG » Fri Nov 15, 2002 6:47 pm

I've come to expect Spawn Killing as a regular occurance on the Beach map. I get spawn killed, I take it and get on with life.

I might bitch and complain, but to be honest I bitch and complain about anyway I get killed. I laugh about it later because, wtf?? What's the difference how I get gibbed, blasted, ventilated, roasted and/or gunned down? Getting killed is still getting killed.

I think it speaks volumes on the dude who kills me though. If he wants to wax his bean and cry "Look at me!" because he just wiped out six freshly spawned enemies with a precisely timed panzer shot, then good for him. If I get wailed coming out of the front bunker, then that's OK, too. I just can't stand spawning, and immediately getting killed by some flame-camping Nazi scum hiding behind me.

I wasn't so much picking on your typing, (hell, we all make typos, especially in a game), ...I was pointing out your complaining about being penalized for a lowly act.

Spawn Kill away, I say...and whiole you're at it tape a big sign to your ass that says, "I'm a scum-bag!"

(This is all meant in jest, my friend...nothing personal)
Lord ZOG

"Well hello Mister Fancypants. Well, I've got news for you pal, you ain't leadin' but two things: Jack and shit... and Jack just left town."



Postby slow » Fri Nov 15, 2002 6:55 pm

nice to know my typing was not the issue. Now what we have here is a failure to communicate. I never shoot panzers into the forward bunker when Im an Axis. I usually dont even care, I'm not a spawn camper, and it's not even something I thought was an issue. However, I recognize that some people have been killed by people who do spawn camp, and maybe its cheap maybe its not. My whole reason for posting was that I dont feel like trying to avoid calling airstrikes near the forward bunker because I'll be penalized. Thats all. Today I got penalized for killing someone who respawned from a medic in the basement. Thats what I am railing against.



Postby 6undam » Sat Nov 16, 2002 8:41 am

Interestingly enough, last night I found myself missing the 5,4,3,2,1 countdown more than the penalty thing or whatever! I think as lieut you still had 2 grenades though... and if I'm not mistaken, the 4s invulernability was still on? Thought it was supposed to be off? I was expecting to be gibbed left right and center! :D Hey how about a female voice in the 5, 4, 3, 2 1 countdown? :rotflmao: Countdown's great to tell me to stop typing and get back into the game... :D


Re: Very Important Update On Server Crashes!!!

Postby [A.S.H.]ironman » Sun Nov 17, 2002 8:16 am

Originally posted by MMmmGood
Hey All-

Well after working closely with Shrub and trying to find out what is causing the crashes, were both stumped, so heres what we are going to do.

Tomorrow afternoon/evening I am going to replace the current Shrub mod with the version posted on his website that will work with 1.4.

What this means is that a lot of the features you guys love will be gone, but dont worry! Shrub will gradually add a feature one by one to see exactly what is causing the crashes. So over time you WILL get all of them back. I will provide a list below of the features that will be going away, and gradually added back. I apologize for all this mess, and I hope I havent lost any of you guys over it.


Medics ability to carry 2 grenades
Leiutenants ability to carry 2 grenades
Medics ability to start with a spare clip
Smoke Grenades
Extended Spawn Invulnerability Time
Spawn Camping Penalties

No i dont think u lost any of ur loyal oc just sucks when u get booted outta the game 10-15 times a day..the one after a other..but stobbornas i am..i get right back in there..its only starange to see when u do get back in to see only 10 players, but within no time the server is full again (untill the next boot) im glad to say...
I hope u get the buggs out soon,and the smoke nade and stuff back in the game..i really enjoid all the xtra's tht u guys offer...



Back to Spawn Killing Penalties

Postby iceman41 » Sun Nov 17, 2002 9:40 am

Was running towards radio room (taking radio stairs to get to war room)when newly spawned axis scum were coming out of doorway. I without hesitation grabbed a grenade, threw it and hit sprint key in an attempt to elude said axis. Did I make it??? Hell No!!! I was reduced to a pile of throbbing body pieces parts thanks to the wonderful spawn killing penalizer. I understand the reasoning behind this, but when someone is gibbed during legit attempt at playing the game the clean and fair way, well, that just sucks. IMO, invulnerablility time solved the problem. Take away the points and the spawnkillers will leave. Still the best server around, though.




Postby PhoEniX » Sun Nov 17, 2002 11:10 am

i see it like this......either we take the penalty off and we have spawn killing and whining or leave it on and hve more whining. to me either way sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i would just assume have it on though and turn down invulnerability sec lower so that if u do throw a nade in axis when they spawn it wont go off when they r stiill invulnerable ( doesnt it kill u if ur panzer / nade /airstrike hits an enemy when they are still invulerable? ) they still have time to run away run through it or even jump on it if ur going suicide but if ur dropping a nade to help ur guy with docs to get through and ur gibbed then....crap i think to solve it we should turn down the invulnerability second or 2 wu do u guys think


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