Make sure to bring lots of med packs, our 64 player beach server is intense!
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Re: ECGN Failstars

Thu Dec 02, 2010 6:46 pm

still laughing that you think points are so important, but that's irrelevant.

my main question was...if you're actually 46, why would you make a joke right after that that a 14 year old would think was immature?

Re: ECGN Failstars

Thu Dec 02, 2010 6:48 pm

Relax brah. It was just a suggestion. Nice bass playing.

Re: ECGN Failstars

Thu Dec 02, 2010 6:48 pm

Larry King wrote:still laughing that you think points are so important, but that's irrelevant.

my main question was...if you're actually 46, why would you make a joke right after that that a 14 year old would think was immature?

What on Earth would make you think that I give a flying fuck about what you think? As far as I know you could be the real Larry King. Just stfu.

Re: ECGN Failstars

Thu Dec 02, 2010 6:49 pm

B! Why did you have to sass me last night like that!?

Re: ECGN Failstars

Thu Dec 02, 2010 6:58 pm

Assimilator wrote:B! Why did you have to sass me last night like that!?

Because you're a crybaby that has no respect for the rules of the game. You know, like not being a little bitch and tk'ing people that don't do what you want. That you posted this topic makes you even more of a hypocritical joke.

Re: ECGN Failstars

Thu Dec 02, 2010 7:08 pm

Ok I was wrong. I was owned last night my MsB. I'd like to take a moment an apologize to Huggy Bizzle for the ugly things that were said last night. No longer will I worry about how other people choose to play this game. Instead, I will focus on enjoying my gaming experience (if I don't get TKd TOO much). I hope you can find it in you heart to forgive me and give me a hug Bizzle.

P.S. Don't get me wrong. I'll still rage at unnecessary team kills. But if someone wants to snipe at a doorway while being 2 feet away from it and scoped, who am I to question their gaming experience? LOL

Re: ECGN Failstars

Thu Dec 02, 2010 7:23 pm

Well if you're sincere, apology accepted. I'm not a stat whore. I don't camp the hill all game. I go for the objective at all times and try to win. I snipe on beach because that's the only way that map is not mind-numbingly boring to me. If I accidentally tk someone, it's from me trying to thread the needle and get a sweet kill in a group. Not sure why really since I don't demo it or anything lol. It's just fun to hit those challenging shots. Maybe you should try it sometime and see how less boring beach is and how difficult it is to stay alive.

When maps change, I usually play medic. And I'm not too shabby at suicidal revive missions.

Re: ECGN Failstars

Thu Dec 02, 2010 7:54 pm

=TAO=WARPIG wrote:What on Earth would make you think that I give a flying fuck about what you think? As far as I know you could be the real Larry King. Just stfu.


Re: ECGN Failstars

Thu Dec 02, 2010 8:37 pm

Larry King wrote:umadbro?

Mad as in angry...hell no.
Mad as in crazy...I've been told that I need :help:

Re: ECGN Failstars

Mon Dec 06, 2010 12:41 pm

This thread is comical. Keep posting so i can waste more time at work reading this. YOU ALL SUCK

Re: ECGN Failstars

Mon Dec 06, 2010 2:32 pm


Re: ECGN Failstars

Mon Dec 06, 2010 5:32 pm

MiliTant wrote:This thread is comical. Keep posting so i can waste more time at work reading this. YOU ALL SUCK

I will be posting a special treat for you guys soon.

Re: ECGN Failstars

Mon Dec 06, 2010 9:42 pm

HuGgY BiZzLe wrote:umexicanbro?


That whole umadbra? shit started in WoW. Didn't realize it rolled over into the FPS world.

Re: ECGN Failstars

Mon Dec 06, 2010 10:56 pm

Assimilator wrote:I will be posting a special treat for you guys soon.

what a demo of you playing axis round after round after round after round after round of crapis???

Re: ECGN Failstars

Mon Dec 06, 2010 11:01 pm

MiliTant wrote:OH YEAH BRA FOR SURE BRA *sighs*

Sounds like something a Mexican would say. Sounds racist too. :no:
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