MrsB should hang it up!

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MrsB should hang it up!

Postby p.neub » Mon May 23, 2005 2:47 pm

Today, MrsB (lmao) decided that reconnecting and haxing are the same thing. She pissed and moaned about it after I reconnected when she TK'd me and caused me to skull out! GG! I told her about her behind and that she needs to stop acting like a menopausal crack etc. and she bans me. I have admin'd many servers but never banned anyon for speaking their mind. This is a good example of people who lack the cognitive capacity for diplomacy and whom should not be running a server (especially one this big). I admin 3 servers for various parties and if I acted like that they wouldn't be popular long. I don't care if I stay banned, there are plenty of servers out there but, she needs to have RCON privs revoked. She is nasty to a lot of players besides me. If you can't take it, then shut it up! Boring!

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Postby B » Mon May 23, 2005 3:08 pm

Well if you admin servers then you know not to disrespect an admin. As for your were skulled plain and simple no matter how it happened. Players don't work their ass off to skull someone to have them reconnect and continue to play, wait till the game is over like everyone else and deal with it. As for me being nasty i doubt it. I don't kick or ban for no reason. Maa can go read the logs if he disagrees with the ban. You comming and making a thread about me makes me feel so special. Your comment in your post about my behind and menopausal crack shows the direspect. Go complain elsewhere cause no one gives a shit. I used the hacking as an example of cheating. I don't care if you stay banned either.

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Postby |RS|Economy » Mon May 23, 2005 4:02 pm

I agree, very few like her. She tk's just as much as the worse noobs and doesnt really do much as an admin {which apparantly is a prerequisite}. Not to mention she lets her little kids play under her name {great idea}. But because of all these great attributes she is rewarded with a 101 admin status. Just gos to show you, being an ignominy has it's privileges.

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Postby B » Mon May 23, 2005 4:12 pm

Comming from someone i watched kick people with the side note of "need practice". Your one to talk about being a great admin. Yes..i do let my kids play. They play under their own names unless i get up for a few and let them play. Problem with it? They are not logged in as an admin. Don't hate because you lost your status from your own stupidity. Server logs can say alot. If i'm that bad of a player i wouldn't be in the top 6%. Let the MrsB bashing begin.

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Postby Slaughter2 » Tue May 24, 2005 1:07 am

"You Create Your Own Destiny"-Doug Kleitz

That's a [color="Red"]PRESENT[/color] from [color="DarkRed"]SLAUGHTER[/color]


[font="Arial Black"][SIZE="4"]Give respect you might get it back![/SIZE][/font] [SIZE="4"](a lesson in life as well as gaming) [/SIZE]

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Postby DocTrebor » Tue May 24, 2005 3:28 am

y e a h

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Postby SavageParrot » Tue May 24, 2005 6:10 pm

/m treb pass the popcorn I have the munchies real bad.

*opens beer, puts feet on the table, loosens belt and works his ass cheeks back into the old familiar groove.*

Can't we all just get along? It's a small world after all...
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