
If you were kicked or banned from our Public RTCW server, post here.

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Postby jinx » Mon Aug 11, 2008 8:40 pm

First of all i would like to apologise for my behaviour of late, this has been due to a number of results such as family bereavement, College work and work. So i hope you can understand if i'm short tempered and generally not myself. The reason i'm posting here is due to my actions on the server and my subsequent kick. I feel i should give me side of the story before things get blown out of proportion. Ecgn of late has had a spree of teamkillers and general idiots tonight was no exception. When i first joined the server i was contiunally teamkilled by a player known as 'cyberpunk' it got to a stage where pooty had to kick him. Later on o observed a player named 'yooper' firing his panzerfaust directly into my team. Now i'm sorry if i over reacted but i saw that as a deliberate attempt to mass teamkill so i turned around and teamkilled and gibbed yooper. I was then kicked from the server with the reason 'ASSHOLE' if i had been kicked with the result 'Don't teamkill an admin' or something along the polite lines i would have been fine. However, i reconnected with to the server and stated 'YOOPER YOU DID A MASS TEAMKILL YOU FUCKWIT' this earned me a ban. Fair enough, i apologised then and i'll apologise now that was out of charactor to do that and disrespectful to the admin. Once banned i reconnected to the server to find my ban was 1000 seconds long, so i minimised wolf and waited for my ban to expire. Unknown to me my timescale was set at 100 (which is the first line of my autoexec) which meant that i was now spammed the server. I never intended to do this nor did i expect the server to be spammed in such a way it was. This is my first kick i have recieved from any admin. After a long and abusive (on yoopers part) discussion about the ban yooper has decided that i warrant a permanent ban from ecgn beach. I tried my hardest to explain my side of the story i connected to ventrilo where i politely asked for yooper to talk about it, i was ignored then subsequently kicked. I've played on ecgn off and on for a number of years now, i've had my fair share of muckups but i have never been kicked. I hope the other admins see me as a fair player who tries his best to revive whoever goes down. Unlike many I am always ready to stand up and take the blame when i have done something wrong, I hope you guys can see through the cloud this mess has caused and still view me as player who just wants to have fun and enjoy what the server has to offer. Thanks for reading Jinx, Rusty, Fable

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Re: ReaLity-JinX

Postby jinx » Mon Aug 11, 2008 8:42 pm

Oh man, i put paragraphs in but it just seems to eat them!

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Re: ReaLity-JinX

Postby YOOPER » Tue Aug 12, 2008 3:35 pm

I believe that there are several holes in your story. I hesistate to adress each one at length, as I'm not sure my fingers would hold up to so much typing. And to add to that, my experience over the last many many years as an admin here has taught me that forum quarrels are rarely productive and generally end bitterly.

Nevertheless, I feel compelled to point out a few things:

jinx wrote:...yooper has decided that i warrant a permanent ban from ecgn beach.

You were never permanently banned from the server. You received a 1200 second temporary ban (essentially one round of game play). I was forced to lift this ban at about 900 seconds remaining when you spammed the server. Your totaly penalty, then, was a whopping 300 seconds or so.

jinx wrote:Unknown to me my timescale was set at 100 (which is the first line of my autoexec) which meant that i was now spammed the server.

If it's unknown to you, then how come when you rejoined the server you told me right away that "it's no big deal" that it is set to 100, and that "all the Euro's do it", and that "it helps make things realtime." If it is the first line of your autoexec, then obviously you put it there. It sounds to me like you knew your timescale was 100 all along.

I suspect, however, that you changed your timescale while you were trying to reconnect. The is based upon the fact that we all saw the message "Kicked banned player..." on our screen in global chat once every few seconds or so. This is normal (when a player has a normal timescale). Suddenly, however, our screens were spammed with the "Kicked banned player..." message many many (50? 100?) times PER SECOND. Gameplay was completely interrupted, and this type of attack has earned players permanent bans in the past. I was forced to unban you to allieviate the spam attack on the server and to allow gameplay to continue for the rest of the players. Notice, too, that once you reconnected you were NOT re-banned, and in fact allowed to continue playing the game. I must be getting soft in my old age.


I accidentally TK'ed one player (not you), and I immediately chatted "sorry" about three or four times. I never saw the player I TK'ed, as he was around a corner from me when I fired. No "mass teamkill" occured, and the "sorry" chat should have made it obvious that it was not intentional (and as someone who has played and admin'ed this server since it started, I'd reckon to say that I'm not very likely to intentionally TK someone). Besides, what gives you the right to teamkill and teamgib someone? To teach me a lesson or something? I should point out, too, that there were no less than 4 admins on the server when you teamkilled me. Taking matters into your own hands by intentionally teamkilling and teamgibbing was a very poor should have PM'ed an admin instead.

The rest of your message about problems at home, college, work, etc. is sad. I'm sorry if you're going through rough times (honest, no sarcasm there). But, if you lack the ability to play an online game without leaving those feelings aside, then perhaps you shouldn't play.

What it all boils down to is you intentionally TK'ed and TG'ed, then spammed the server trying to reconnect. People have been banned for less in the past; you served 300 seconds. :violin:

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Re: ReaLity-JinX

Postby SavageParrot » Wed Aug 13, 2008 5:39 am

He he fuckwit, best insult ever. One of my favourites :D

Spamming the server is teh gheyness. Getting banned for deliberately tking an admin whatever justification you think you had is essentially between you and him. Jacking up the timescale, to make everyone else suffer for it, just makes you look like an emo kid who's balls haven't dropped yet. There's just no need for it. Take the ban like a man and add Yooper to your Nixonesque shit list like everyone else, if you like, but don't fuck up the server for everyone else...
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Re: ReaLity-JinX

Postby jinx » Wed Aug 13, 2008 8:29 am

I don't see how i can make this clearer.

1. Thats my first kick by an admin.

2. I did not deliberately 'spam' the server nor did i intentionally try and wreak everybodies game.

3. I'm not some emo kid (lol) i've a University undergraduate who doesn't need to slash his wrists or wear dark makeup!

4. The timescale is the first line of my autoexec so when my config loads the timescale value changes. As it's cheat protected the timescale value drops back to default once you have connected to the server.

I'm sorry for the trouble this has caused but i still think you're making a mountain out of a mole hill. Server didn't crash and i haven't caused any problems before or after the inicident.

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Re: ReaLity-JinX

Postby SavageParrot » Wed Aug 13, 2008 9:39 am

Yeah well the server is never full so you can take it out of the first line of your autoexec...

The server didn't crash because he lifted the ban, not because what you were doing was not a problem. Either way you get yourself moved off the admin bot ban list and onto the pb ban list which means it's less easy for people to unban you; people have to care enough about your ban to actually go and get it lifted rather than just typing !unban...

It's pretty simple, this used to be a perm ban offence but these days we are less strict because there are fewer people but we are making a fuss so the next time you throw your toys out of the pram you can't say 'oh well I didn't know I couldn't do that'. If you'd been banned a thousand times before we wouldn't be having a discussion at all we'd just be pointing and laughing.
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