Slaughter slaughter slaughter

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Slaughter slaughter slaughter

Postby Wolfy2 » Sun Jan 03, 2010 7:57 pm

Hey guys, minor complaint here.

Last night at around 11 eastern, ran into a little trouble with slaughter. I was playing under an alias. Me and him were both playing allies, and along with 4 or 5 other allies we were attempting to hold the upper base. I had ran out of ammo in both my thompson and my pistol. Slaughter was a lt. I v22'd once, then hovered around slaughter waiting for some ammo. I was in no way blocking his path. He proceeded to shoot me 7 times and tk me. I can't say for sure if it was intentional, as i'm not sure if there were any axis standing in the doorway to the basement behind us.. All i know is that when i was revived almost instantly and turned around, there were no axis in the area... Either way, he shot me 7 times and did not apologize. I did not complain or say anything to him about the incident.

About 10 minutes later, standing near the door on the catwalk that leads to the radio room, I took out a nade and began to prime it. However, after just one click, agent-misery ran out the door with his own nade and killed me, causing my nade to go off and kill him. (not sure if this is a glitch, i've always wondered how a nade can sometimes do that) My screen said "you killed agent-misery," and i globaled "lol" because of the way we traded nades and killed each other. When I looked at my console, i saw that my nade had also killed slaughter, who was standing behind me. Just as i was about to apologize via pm, (i was in limbo) I get kicked with a sarcastic message telling me to "keep laughing." (Can't remember his exact words, my apologies, i was in shock to be honest..) I reconnect, pm slaughter asking for an explanation, and he disconnects. So i send him a private message here on the forums, receieved no response.

Finally, today i saw him in game. I pmed him, still looking for an explanation. He brushed me off, telling me it was just a kick and that he can't even remember it.

My problem with this has little to do with the fact he kicked me. I can live with a kick if it's justified. The issue here is his attitude. The way he can tk, then be accidentaly tked and kick for it. The way he gives no explanation. the way he can't even remember a kick a mere 24 hours after it happened. This bothers me greatly. The lack of maturity he showed by kicking me after i said "lol" is unacceptable out of an admin. I had no plans on making a thread out of this, me and slaughter have been cool for years. Never saw this side to him, and maybe he was just having a bad day. I can understand shit like that, we're human. An explanation is all i seek, and maybe a little respect outta him.


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