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Admins disclosing location?

Sun May 11, 2014 3:47 pm

I was playing on ECGN and MsB seems particularly upset with me....

Anyways nothing really came of that, but I was shocked that she looked up my IP and told the entire server in public my location and where I live... I don't think that's really nice at all and private info. I understand admins can look it up, but it's really unnecessary and to me disrespectful to do that to an entire server of players. I don't know if you allow this sort of thing, but please don't do it again to me... If an admin has a problem with me PM is fine, but please don't tell others in the server where I live... That's really tasteless and insulting.

Re: Admins disclosing location?

Sun May 11, 2014 5:36 pm

you did nothing.... im sure.
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