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See people abusing the server? Cheating Scum? Post about them here for all to see their lameness.
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Re: What are the odds ...

Sun Feb 22, 2015 7:42 pm

darkside. same player as 54321 or whatever other name he's currently using. pretty obvious wallhack jabroni.

Re: What are the odds ...

Mon Feb 23, 2015 12:23 pm

I'm pretty sure the MD5 tool checks can't be guaranteed to be evidence of cheating. The MD5 tool is checking pk3 files (based on admin selection) to make sure they are the same size, etc and have not been modified. Back in the day I remember legitimate players getting kicked with MD5 tool violations. If someone knows otherwise let me know. If a violation says something about a video hack or something similar that is definitely a cheat.

Re: What are the odds ...

Tue Feb 24, 2015 12:46 am

krazykaze wrote:I'm pretty sure the MD5 tool checks can't be guaranteed to be evidence of cheating. The MD5 tool is checking pk3 files (based on admin selection) to make sure they are the same size, etc and have not been modified. Back in the day I remember legitimate players getting kicked with MD5 tool violations. If someone knows otherwise let me know. If a violation says something about a video hack or something similar that is definitely a cheat.

You get a MD5 tool ban when the checksum of a file in your game folder is an exact match with the checksum of a known hack file. As I recall, MD5 tool bans can't be appealed because they're certain proof that hack file/s were on the players computer at the time

Re: What are the odds ...

Tue Feb 24, 2015 1:43 pm

nosy wrote:
krazykaze wrote:I'm pretty sure the MD5 tool checks can't be guaranteed to be evidence of cheating. The MD5 tool is checking pk3 files (based on admin selection) to make sure they are the same size, etc and have not been modified. Back in the day I remember legitimate players getting kicked with MD5 tool violations. If someone knows otherwise let me know. If a violation says something about a video hack or something similar that is definitely a cheat.

You get a MD5 tool ban when the checksum of a file in your game folder is an exact match with the checksum of a known hack file. As I recall, MD5 tool bans can't be appealed because they're certain proof that hack file/s were on the players computer at the time

I thought similar but then MAA cleared things up for us.

It depends.

Video Driver hack ones can be false positives. (I think xfire was one that triggered these)

MD5Tool entries for opengl32.dll can probably safely be ignored as well.

You have to look at what file the tool actually flagged.

Re: What are the odds ...

Tue Feb 24, 2015 5:58 pm

I used xfire to jump directly into the server and also used overlays in the past.

I never encountered Xfire triggering a video driver hack before.

Re: What are the odds ...

Tue Feb 24, 2015 7:20 pm

Killerboy aka Lukino was caught with a hack as you can see in the screenshot. Maybe he was caught again on the MD5tool?

Re: What are the odds ...

Thu Feb 26, 2015 10:15 am

Speccing killerboy play makes me want to smash my head against my monitor, and throw my keyboard across the room.

How on earth can land he land so many headshots(22%) and have a 25% accuracy? When myself, booty, skibb, whoever can't even get it above 15% with a 35-40% accuracy. Going to be honest, and cut to the chase. He toggles, spec him enough, and you can all see it for yourself. The time he does it, is during the time he makes himself lag, to make it as if it's his "lag" causing the issue and headshots are a given. However it's most certainly not the lag, as he's the one causing it. Only time he EVER lands 2-3 headhies is WHEN he's lagging. During the time he makes himself lag, anyone with a proper ping and no latency issues, will not be able to hit this guy.

He's rather childish, and acts as if it's his lag that causes everything, when in reality, it's him whose doing it.

Don't see why he isn't already banned with the info you have on him.

EDIT: Just checked high scores - This week he has gone down to 12% hs ratio, 30 accuracy - Which IMO, is not hacker stats at all. Just goes to show, what he was using before. ;)

Re: What are the odds ...

Thu Feb 26, 2015 6:08 pm

I already said when he gets in to a gun fight he starts to lag. Also, him and his Dad (lucas) have shared an i.p and Lucas does not jump above 250. Lukino jumps above 700 during his lag spikes.

Re: What are the odds ...

Fri Feb 27, 2015 6:04 am

Can you explain what toggle means?

I noticed the same thing. Since I started this topic his HS-KR has gone down 5%. Why?!
He was back today as "samsung s5" seemed a little less laggy and a little less accurate.

I didn't want this to become some kind of witch-hunt, I just was asking questions.
If Lukino is dumb enough to cheat in a 13 year old game on the last populated server left he's probably just a little smacktard.

Re: What are the odds ...

Fri Feb 27, 2015 6:37 am

phukyuh wrote:Can you explain what toggle means?

In this context it means he's turning the hack on and off

Re: What are the odds ...

Sat Feb 28, 2015 1:44 pm

i get 15%+ hs ratio when i play shrub for a while, but if I remember right Lukino is that guy who would always be an engineer and throw nades at his teammates a couple of months ago. I don't want to call him a hacker with no proof but it sounds odd. A kid who holds his mouse like SS Maria is now getting hs's like me :D

Re: What are the odds ...

Sun Mar 01, 2015 9:12 am

I made an account simply to say that he was 100% for sure cheating. Noticed it awhile ago. No question about it. Him saying otherwise is quite laughable.

Re: What are the odds ...

Sun Mar 08, 2015 3:03 pm


Re: What are the odds ...

Mon Mar 09, 2015 12:09 am

So, is this guy also "Sarah-The-Best", because he/she was equally as devoid of any battle sense, but just went on and on at "UR A NUB", "FU NAAB", etc. kind of global chat the whole time he/she played...

Re: What are the odds ...

Mon Mar 09, 2015 4:03 pm

That was Evil King, Euro. You can tell when it's Killerboy by his 250+ ping. I find it funny that he tries to use a proxy. He is trying so hard. His ping gives him away.
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