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Sad Duck AFK for hours often

Sun Dec 11, 2016 12:47 pm

Sad Duck just sits AFK for hours. He obviously does this on purpose as it happens pretty much everyday he plays. If he's not AFK he is "where else" sitting in the ducts with docs for literally 20 min. This creates an unbalanced team and is not fair to others playing and relying on teammates. Can someone please address this? Thank You!

Re: Sad Duck AFK for hours often

Mon Dec 12, 2016 1:23 pm

Yeah, I have kicked him numerous times when he goes afk, then comes back in and goes afk again. It's tougher on the server when there's fewer people. As far as sitting in the ducts, that isn't against server rules. It's one of the multitude of annoying things that players here do, are asked to do something different, and still do what they want anyway. I started to lead the charge against this type of thinking, and hoped that players would think about other's fun when playing. But after all this time, I'm a little jaded, and have to succumb to the fact that when X player joins the server, you are going to have to endure Y.

Re: Sad Duck AFK for hours often

Mon Dec 12, 2016 1:34 pm

on mad server i have a bind only for duck to put him to specs^^

ya, well it sucks all his afk-times. but thats duck... he wont do it on purpose, im sure.
nothing wrong with camping in ducts. he usually manages to transmit the docs in the end of the round.

Re: Sad Duck AFK for hours often

Mon Dec 12, 2016 6:09 pm

Actually. He was banned for a long time for taking docs and sitting in ducts for an entire round and or going afk for several rounds. He got a new guid. If he is set to level 0 he won't be afk but a few minutes. Server will boot him.

Re: Sad Duck AFK for hours often

Wed Dec 14, 2016 12:03 am

Can we get him set to 0 then? He does this every night and usually no admins on. Thank You.

Re: Sad Duck AFK for hours often

Wed Dec 14, 2016 8:28 pm

Lazyeye wrote:Can we get him set to 0 then? He does this every night and usually no admins on. Thank You.
I checked after my last post. He was already at 0.
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