AA TKs and Coral Sea

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AA TKs and Coral Sea

Postby {CN}Doomfarer » Sun Dec 22, 2002 3:38 pm

This is to post something that has irked me many times specifically while playing Coral Sea. Not reporting a case of abuse, but hoping to prevent my ass from the deplorable kick/ban.

Now I have come to the conclusion that the AA position is either not manned or is manned by poor gunners. After a bit of adjusting to the patch changes I have become very good (let me pat my back some more) in the AA. One of the biggest problems with manning the AA on the carrier is hitting friendlies. Now I have had more than a few TK's (only purposeful on guys TK bombing our own ship, just to give the bot time to get to work and spare any more TKs) and have gone out of my way more than a few times to alert my teams pilots to bug out of the area as AA has the airspace taken care of. There have been a few pilots that have taken issue with this, and after a brief exchange I will stop apologizing for accidental shootings as they have been warned (usually repeatedly).

I am NOT a reckless gunner, and once the IFF/team colors show I will stop shooting any teammates. The problem is, as most good AA gunners will tell you, that a gunner HAS to fire more often than not as soon as he sees an outline in order to have a good shot at taking the plane down on its first run. This doesn't give you a chance to check the minimap (most times) as the air action can be very fast and furious, nor does the IFF have the range to truly allow you verify in time. I am a good enough gunner that my score rarely strays into the negs, so the bot isn't a problem. I do want to make sure that I present this view BEFORE any issues with me or other players pop up.

Would like to make this clear as well to non-admins, if you are warned by AA gunners to stop flying over/around your teams carrier, there is a good reason.

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Postby Kristov » Sun Dec 22, 2002 5:44 pm


I've encountered this same issue myself as an AA gunner, however, either my graphics are higher then others or my situational awareness is better, so I've yet to actually shoot down a friendly plane with AA on Coral Sea.

My rule, as an AA gunner, if a friendly plane is chasing the enemy plane, I stop firing or lead the target by a lot more in order to get it to change it's course to help my guy in the air get a better shot.

I fly, a lot, and I'm a damned good pilot, one of the better dogfighters on the server, and I often run air cover over the carrier. I do this because that's the PURPOSE of the fighter planes, either escorting the bombers or giving air cover for the carrier. They are designed to shoot down enemy planes, and that is what they should be used for. AA has limited fire lanes, a fighter plane doesn't.

I suggest AA gunners and pilots both be aware of each other. I will attack any and all enemy planes in the area of the carrier if I'm in a fighter, rarely if I'm in a bomber. AA gunners do need to be aware of the friendlys and NOT SHOOT them. By the same token, planes need to be aware that AA is firing and make sure they stay out of it's line of fire. Pull up, down, sideways, whatever, but let the gunner have a chance to do his job IF he's trying to do it. We have too many AA gunners who don't know the weapon though, and they are aiming AT the target instead of leading, and that means they miss. Which means they'll hit friendly planes chasing the enemy. In that case, tell the admins, we'll try to get the idiot off the AA, as they are more dangerous to the team then the enemy.

What it comes down to is simple, if you don't have a clue, play the single player side UNTIL YOU DO! This goes for flying, using arty, tanks, AA, anything. Don't get on the server and expect us to let you learn the game on OUR time, ain't gonna happen. We all took the time to learn it on our own, you do the same.
The enemy is attacking, let us prey.



Postby SumYungGui » Mon Dec 30, 2002 3:53 pm

I was thinking (no, really!) about this problem and the rule I came up with for myself is to completely avoid anything that resembles an attack angle unless I'm pursuing an enemy plane. just pass by the side or front, while never being pointed at the carrier. if I am pursuing a plane most times the AA sees one plane directly behind another and catches a clue. now to do something about the morons that shoot directly AT the enemy plane and blow the pursuit (me) away with three or four incredibly well placed shots.

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