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Vote Spammin'

Sun Jan 05, 2003 5:03 am

there is some guy on now at 4-5am eastern time named YOUR SELF and then after he was voted off for his vote spamming he came back on as Kanker Homo and a slew of others. calling votes on his own teammates. no admins to help us though.

i hope he's sterile.

some things you never miss.

I have to concure was a pain

Sun Jan 05, 2003 9:51 pm

Was annoying.. But other than that was a great night for wolf even though something wrong with my damn mouse, just wish i had more time to play..

SS Heaven

Tue Feb 04, 2003 1:07 am

the PSG clan does that too every minute! 5 times you got GIBBED by PSG! i always say PSG in my ass stop spawming idiot!:)

Wed Feb 05, 2003 8:04 am

i hear ya beast, i never like it when agent smecker says youre rolled up...once, twice, thats fine by me...but once, twice a minute. just being an obnoxious asshole at that point.

he did however bust out an indiana jones line...and that is about as cool as it gets.

is there any way to ignore people if youre not an admin?

Thu Feb 06, 2003 1:11 am

once twice? 20 times a minute! i hate that spamming clan!

Wed Feb 19, 2003 2:16 am

I make no excuses for smecker, but you illustrate the purpose of smack-talk-spam very well, beast. The POINT is to piss you off and maybe take a little off your game. (Although even I think he overdoes it sometimes.) I personally don't talk a bunch of trash too much, but I do throw out the occasional "your welcome" to someone I know. :)

Rule of Wrist/=PSG=Paragon_of_Stupitude
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