If you have been banned from any of our BF2 Pubs, Please post here.
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Sun Aug 14, 2005 7:30 pm

whyiwasbanned.php doesn't appear to be working. Not that it is needful I know what hunter and his childish little power games are all about.:violin:

Sun Aug 14, 2005 8:02 pm

The whywasibanned page doesn't work yet for BF2.

Sun Aug 14, 2005 11:45 pm

It's not just Hunter. He has our full support on this matter.

Mon Aug 22, 2005 2:12 pm


I very seldom ban. I am more of a kick first and see if they learn. If they don’t it’s a ban.

You were kicked from TS because of your attitude. At the time I was going to just let it go at that with the kick. However you came right back in with a poor attitude and some personal remarks that were uncalled for. You turned it into a ban.

Now we seem to have a little issue here with the servers ban list. Seems it got deleted by mistake. We admins are running around digging up our backup lists and entering our bans again. That is why you are able to get into the server right now.

Being a person who likes to give people a chance here is yours. I will not reenter your ban at this time. However, you need to watch your attitude and language on TS and in game. None of us are puritans and I am not trying to impose a higher standard on you alone. An occasional swear is one thing. Constant is another. Also, this is a public server. People with all kinds of skill levels play here. It is not required that they play up to any one persons standard or play in a manner that any one player dictates other than the rule. Lastly, if they are not playing up to any one persons standard everyone on TS does not want to hear about it all night.

Thu Sep 01, 2005 10:19 pm

[16:54:02] Mr.Nemo -> MORON
[16:54:08] Mr.Nemo -> GET THE FYCK OUT OF THE ROAD
[17:06:11] Mr.Nemo -> do you morons know how to use C4 and mines to defend flags?
[17:26:49] [BFE]freghtrain -> GOD DAMN NEMO SHUTUP

This has been going on long enough.

Ban reinstated, this time permanently.

Mr Nemo, you were warned. You are no longer welcome on any of our BF servers. Same applies for our TS server.

If you get unbanned by mistake again, that does NOT mean you can come back.

Good bye.

Sat Sep 03, 2005 7:41 pm

There are no unacceptable sweas words in there....Your ban is petty considering Wonka goes off on occasion in far more foul language. How I boss my squad is my business, I even sanitized by spelling fuck fyck, they can always use the leave button. I don't carry a grudge it isn't like I have spawned a hundred or so IRC bots to ping the server/routers with a relentless stream of large fragmented packets...A little marine corp motivational jargon is all. Let's not have a war....

Sat Sep 03, 2005 8:03 pm

"How I boss my squad is my business"
rule # 12 If you're the commander and nobody follows your orders, then it's too bad. It doesn't give you the right to yell at everyone.

"I even sanitized by spelling fuck fyck"
Just because you tricked the bot does not make it ok.

Mr. Nemo, I hope for your sake that some day you figure out
that verbal abuse is not the way to lead a squad or play a
game with people.

Sat Sep 03, 2005 8:26 pm

and the moral of the story is -

berating other players will not be tolerated. you can get upset and swear a bit but avoid making it personal. the admins don't care if you're a better pilot or know how to score more points. this is a public server and it should be friendly and inviting. if people don't play up to your standards, ecgn has a great deal on servers so you can rent your own and fill it with elite talent.

Sun Sep 04, 2005 5:41 pm

A great deal eh? having declared war you want to sell me arms too? no I think the way to go is to engage in more appropriate responses against the servers..... Heh I reply to chacal's post and two other sperm burping turd burglars reply. Print this page out, fold it till it's all sharp corners and stuff it up your arse....Your hippocrites and liars, you have members who routinely act badly and I go through a week a bit out of kilter and you decide to crack down? Please reign in the other regulars and clean your own house before arguing mine is dirty. got to go download some Toolz.....

Sun Sep 04, 2005 5:54 pm

A masterly piece of well reasoned argument. I can't for the life of me understand why anyone should have a problem with the charming and debonaire intellectual you have just proven yourself to be...

Sun Sep 04, 2005 5:56 pm

I don't think I have ever been called a "sperm burping turd
burglar" before. Thats a new one for me.
:beer: :rotflmao:

Sun Sep 04, 2005 8:49 pm

Thanks for providing this new input, Mr Nemo. Always good to know what a person is really like.

I guess we've heard enough now.
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