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RTCW Punkbuster/clientnum question

Sat Apr 12, 2003 9:47 am

I run wolf with PB, and have a disallowed name list. When guys using rconlite need to kick a punk, they use the clientnum command to get the guy's number, then kick em. My problem is this: When using clientnum, you must have at least 3 characters of the guy's name for clientnum to find em. What if a punk comes in with a one-character name? Is there some kind of variable in the PB settings to disallow this? Something that would make you have at least 3 characters in your name to play on the server?? I've combed over the online manual at, but couldn't find any info. Anyone out there have an idea if this can be done? TIA

Mon Apr 28, 2003 11:15 am

Well, it only took a couple weeks, but...i got my question answered elsewhere. I'm postin it here, in case it can help anyone else.

pb_sv_minname and pb_sv_maxname limit the length of player names, setting to
0 disables each (and that is default value).

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