Gameplay suggestions

Make sure to bring lots of med packs, our 64 player beach server is intense!

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Postby MMmmGood » Sun Oct 20, 2002 8:28 pm

I dont notice it, but I have a hell of a rig.

P4 2.4B OCed to 2.81 ghz
512 MB PC800 Ram OCed to PC1066
MSI geforce4 ti 4200 OCed to 4400/4600
SB Live! 5.1

Sir Fartsalot

Postby Sir Fartsalot » Sun Oct 20, 2002 9:19 pm

55 players and complex graphics...hmmm...

Just kidding. Anytime a server gets that full you're going to have a lot of rendering issues, and it could be on your end as well as on the server end. I have a decent bit of kit and still have problems:

Athlon XP 1700+
786 MB DDR Ram (2100)
ATI All-in-wonder Radeon 7500 AGP
Tweaked Windows 2000 Pro

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Settings are fine...

Postby Lord ZOG » Mon Oct 21, 2002 9:13 am

I think the server if darn near perfect;
  • Quick spawn times to keep my puny brain from losing interest.
  • FF off to avoid 31 of my team mates from air striking me to pieces.

  • Quick med recharge so there's some hope of winning.

  • Panzer and flamer limits to avoid a Kiddie War.

Leave it as it is, man.

Just a few suggestions...

More effective voting (if possible?). Too many door blocking pre-pubes never seem to get kicked even when the voting is far in favor of booting them.

Longer period of inactivity. I get kicked for simply typing a reply or chatting about something with someone. (This has recently been changed I think).

Keep the leg damage mod off. I think this was supposed to be a "realistic" touch, but the server is not about realism.
Lord ZOG

"Well hello Mister Fancypants. Well, I've got news for you pal, you ain't leadin' but two things: Jack and shit... and Jack just left town."

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Postby SilverSurfer » Mon Oct 21, 2002 12:15 pm

could the server sometimes change maps munday it is depot
the day afther it is sub afther that one beach and so on
:blow: just a suggestion dont shoot me if you dont think the same

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spawn kill prevention?

Postby Weasel Meat » Tue Oct 22, 2002 6:09 pm

If the invulnerability time after you spawn was increased, that may cut down on the spawn killing by letting you kill them before they kill you, or at least let you get out of the forward bunker without being gibbed or having more than 50 health.

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Postby SilverSurfer » Wed Oct 23, 2002 11:36 am

no i think the invurnability when you spawn is good because it also wouden't be fair if allies that ran true the spawnpoint would pass when the axis deployed they would have no chance at all at reaching the radio stairway.

it could help the allies but i would not change it for the axis
allies might have a little more chance

my space

Dragon Fart

Change wepons faster

Postby Dragon Fart » Sat Nov 02, 2002 2:48 am

is there a setting somewere for the speed that you change your wepons?
I know theres a forward speed thats fun to play with. But thats not a good idea to run like that. besides it makes it damn near imposible for axis to win.

Im sure we have all been in a spot were switching your wepons faster if not
instantly would have been nice. I defintly think that it would affect the gameplay and speed it up. i donno if it would be a bad thing. but it would be cool to tinker with for a few days

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Re: Settings are fine...

Postby MMmmGood » Sat Nov 02, 2002 4:16 am

Originally posted by S.S. Lord ZOG
I think the server if darn near perfect;
  • Quick spawn times to keep my puny brain from losing interest.
  • FF off to avoid 31 of my team mates from air striking me to pieces.

  • Quick med recharge so there's some hope of winning.

  • Panzer and flamer limits to avoid a Kiddie War.

Leave it as it is, man.

Just a few suggestions...

More effective voting (if possible?). Too many door blocking pre-pubes never seem to get kicked even when the voting is far in favor of booting them.

Longer period of inactivity. I get kicked for simply typing a reply or chatting about something with someone. (This has recently been changed I think).

Keep the leg damage mod off. I think this was supposed to be a "realistic" touch, but the server is not about realism.

As far as the more effective voting, I have been looking into this. Shrub and I are working on a way to have 50% of the PEOPLE WHO VOTED decide the vote. Currently it is 50% of the people on the server. That is why votes never pass because hardly anyone bothers to vote.

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So much for perfection...

Postby Lord ZOG » Sat Nov 02, 2002 11:47 am

Well, that delicate balance has now been altered, or more directly, it's been obliterated.

The weapons mod was fun for a bit, but now it's tougher to win as an Ally. Medics with flame throwers, LTs with venoms make the Axis's job that much easier. Can anyone say "impenetrable wall'?

The smoke grenades also cause a little lag (especially since people are throwing them like they're going out of style).

The 6 second invulnerability seems ineffective against the Medis new poison needles. The meds are now just hanging around the spawn areas (on both sides) and just poking people right off the bat.

Where before both sides had, it seemed, an equal chance to win, it's now just an Axis Frag fest. Since these changes I think I've seen the Allies win maybe 10% of the time.

I'm all for a little experimentation and trying different things, but sometimes it's a bit too easy to lose what was once a darn near perfect setup. Good artists and good cooks know when to stop.
Lord ZOG

"Well hello Mister Fancypants. Well, I've got news for you pal, you ain't leadin' but two things: Jack and shit... and Jack just left town."


Postby Edogg » Sat Nov 02, 2002 12:11 pm

I just want to say that I could go either way with the picking up any weapon and poison thing, it doesnt really matter to me. It hasnt seemed any harder than it already has been. And as far as the poison thing goes, Im usually(more like always:D ) a medic on the allies so the poison doesnt really effect me. Just one med pack cures any effects of the poison.
I guess what I'm saying is that if you are determined to have some different mods on, this mod I can live with.


Postby MMmmGood » Sat Nov 02, 2002 4:54 pm

Well I turned off the weapon thing, I think thats what was causing the crashes. We'll see.

I decreased the amount of damage the poison does to you by a third, so that should help.

Sir Fartsalot

Postby Sir Fartsalot » Sat Nov 02, 2002 5:28 pm

I think on most other maps these kinds of mods would be really bitchin, but I think Zog is right, it makes it a whole heck of a lot easier for the Allies to simply fail miserably. If anything, I think it should be more challenging for the Axis to defend.


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