Game mods

Make sure to bring lots of med packs, our 64 player beach server is intense!

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Postby iceman41 » Mon Oct 21, 2002 7:17 pm

In regards to ammo v. air strike time, how would one not be affected by the other. Think about it.... they both run off the same bar and are not independent of each other. Unless you are saying ammo could be adjusted so that it took less bar to throw pack out, but i dont think server is capable of adjusting that aspect. As for meds returning obj, yes it is easier for them....but most succesful returns are due to team control of basement and war room and good team play back. Meds are not imparitive for this (although they do make it easier). What meds are better at are the one man runs, alhtough others can also do this, with some skill. In short, allie success would go down, but not as much as some believe, imo.

War S.S.

Regards, Iceman41

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Postby SilverSurfer » Wed Oct 23, 2002 11:39 am

it's not possible but hey good players will be able to pass the airstrikes noobs wil be killed
and ask youself is that a bad thing ?
my space


Postby MeatShield » Sat Oct 26, 2002 11:39 pm

I was enjoying my massive kills earlier in the morning when I began to seeing verbal exchanges accusing a person of cheating because he was running sideways... It was very humorous to watch and read. I was defending the poor medic running horizontally, cause I get the same reaction when I begin using a combo jump/crouch. But what I was really wondering is, what is really causing some people to run on their sides??

I have also noticed that if you are on your side, you have no idea until someone else says something... I keep getting people asking me "yo meat, how are you doing that ?".. I respond by saying that I am drunk...:beer:


Postby MeatShield » Sun Oct 27, 2002 2:32 am

also.... along the lines of wolf mods.. I have a G.I. Joe mod installed on my box that changes the ally characters into members of GI Joe, and changes some wav files as well... Logging into a server that uses these mods are much fun to play with... unfortunately the axis guys do not change to cobra guards (still staying germans), but still fun to play..

Have you guys had an opportunity to play with these types of modifications on your server??? And if you have, would you know of other character mods might be floating about ??


Postby MMmmGood » Sun Oct 27, 2002 7:00 am

I havent had a chance to see these mods. As far as the sideways walking goes, its because the map beach was never meant to hold more than 32 players, there was bound to be some sort of wiggage.

Sir Fartsalot

Postby Sir Fartsalot » Sun Oct 27, 2002 3:59 pm

Meat: I see this all the time as well. Very funny to witness. I've heard theories that try to explain it: that people that 'walk funny' are using the unpatched original retail install and that the people that see them walking funny are using the 1.31 or 1.33 patches. I've also learned that there are those that cant see when it is happening when others can. I found out one time that out of 6 axis players in the warroom that only two of us saw a guy crouching funny and he confirmed that he was 'just standing there.' Odd, but true.


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