ECGNetwork.Co 24/7 Beach
Port: 27960
Map: mp_beach
Mod: shrub
Type: Wolf SW
Version: 1.51c(iortcw)
Players: 0/64
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 2019/05/29 05:44:49
Server IP has been changed to Update your Favorites!
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 2019/03/17 17:42:50
A new release of iortcw is now available for download. This is small maintenance release mainly to address a couple of crash and potential security issues. Updated libraries for sound/video/input improvements. Full list of changes are here: New: Addded cg_fixedAspectFOV cvar...Allows setting a custom field of view while using the fixed aspect...
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Latest Forum Posts

 2025/02/09 14:29:12
Post on Discord, these boards are deadddd
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 2024/11/24 19:42:25
Forums still up but everyone who still plays is on the ECGN discord channel.. see ya there!
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 2023/11/12 18:06:00
Tried a game just now. Got smashed by the 50 pingers. How the heck did i hit people before? It's like everytime i upgrade the comp. Even tho it's still 125fps, it feels so FAST. 13600K + rtx3080 Btw, i was on discord, nobody showed up after asking. C@k-el was there, not a sound from him tho. Well, try again later. ^^ Edit: i should probably install it on my other old comp, to see if there's a diff...
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 2022/12/23 16:35:09
Played for a few hours today, relatively few tks. Then get warning about 5 tk pts until I am kicked, checked TKLIST and I have 95 tk pts. How? Went spec, and then got a ban for excess tk pts. MAA can you turn off the tk system? It really doesn't work and the worst/real TKers never get kicked.
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 2022/08/03 09:29:04
HAHA Lord Zog! Man, long time...Just somehow stumbled upon this and thought this was an old thread that got brought up. This place is like a hilarious time capsule of the good ol' days haha!
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