Why #1 is dying as of late

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Postby Xythar » Wed Mar 10, 2004 12:43 am

I was playing in the server when caen -> telemark came up and yeah it kicked a lot, but at the same time. Throughout the map it filled up again.

I would rather play a SW map than a vanilla map any day...much more variety and cool weapons and such.

Ralph Wiggum

Postby Ralph Wiggum » Wed Mar 10, 2004 12:47 am

I don't think No. 1 is dying either. I was just pointing out that it seems like people have gotten shorter with each other on TS and that I think that is a result of the larger regular base. My problem with playing more often is mostly real-life related and only partly due to the fact that I have probably seen most every possible scenario play out on the maps. The new map pack will solve that last problem, and frankly I could probably spend another year and a half learning to fly effectively.

Hellacious, I think you were one of the multiple ladies whoe were on the server, Nina was the other one. On the subject of Nina, I remember when she and Chacal would swim out to the little island off Guadalcanal for some "alone time." That was before the implementation of the wifebot.

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Postby Chacal » Wed Mar 10, 2004 1:22 am

Aaaah... memories...
That little island is still my favorite place on all the maps. No idea why. :D


Postby Xythar » Wed Mar 10, 2004 1:28 am

Whoa, where did you get that chacal you pimp!!!! :eek: :eek:

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Postby Chacal » Wed Mar 10, 2004 1:36 am

She was caught red-handed by Doomfarer once when she swam back ashore. Knowing how he's quite jealous, she had to make up a story ...

Note: from this thread , already a year ago!

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Re: Why #1 is dying as of late

Postby TChicken » Wed Mar 10, 2004 4:37 am

I'm wondering what is the main purpose of the admins? Are they there to play and also kick jerks, or keep the server jerk free and try to have some fun too. If you don't want to do it, why are you? Why aren't there more of you? Do you play incognito just for fun sometimes?

The constant ts chatter definatly does detract from the game, and it sours my experience, so I'm cutting back on ts, missing the real-time enemy position stuff, and not missing the grief. For me it's just annoying, but when admins get grumpy, the number of (imho) unfair kicks goes up. That never looks good, and it really sucks to be the person being kicked. Not too long ago MMmmgood said how many complaints he gets from kicked people... I'd rather see no admins than po'd ones.

Why isn't there some sort of TS rules of conduct enforced like in the game? Hijack arty=kick, say 'x'=ts kick. Or, the admins could guide the conversations, or just say no, I heard 'no' once, and it worked great.

#1 is a great server, but it's not the only great server. Playing against different people can be a welcome break, with different, if not better, strategies, and different people aren't always incompetent.

Oh, and #1 isn't declining, it's just changing. If you don't really want to be here, but are... why?

Also, it's been hiding from my server browsers lately.


Postby Kurith » Wed Mar 10, 2004 6:44 am

and the battle rages on as the sun bather still lay there

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Postby JimmyTango » Wed Mar 10, 2004 7:49 am

Originally posted by Kurith
I don't even see your point, whats your point? Be kind and enlighten the unenlightened.

Then there is no helping you as it was as plain as day. I am sure what you really want is an arguement, so PM it to me instead of having it here.


Postby Kurith » Wed Mar 10, 2004 10:16 am

Originally posted by JimmyTango
Then there is no helping you as it was as plain as day. I am sure what you really want is an arguement, so PM it to me instead of having it here.

No thanks tango, I wasn't hunting for a fight. Just looking for a little clarity. Lets try being less defensive, yes?

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Postby Camel toe joe » Wed Mar 10, 2004 10:58 am

lets just say you want it your way? Go to Burger King! As said before This server is here for a purpose, that is to show how ECGN's servers rock! SO go rent one now!

The problem with #1 is that it has become so popular and we try to make everyone happy, but since not everyone can be happy at the same time, thus the problem. People start complaining how the server should be like this and that, teams should be like this you should do that.
This server is free to play on. We don't mind suggestions or feed back but, don't expect to us bend or jump on your every need and opinion. In the end, it's just a game your supposed to play to have fun so lets have some fun!

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Postby Toe-Jam » Wed Mar 10, 2004 5:10 pm

I enjoy the server. The Admins are great and I have no complaints. I often feel for them because they have to stop there game play to do a job. I do appreciate that because it allows me to have a good time while playing. Hope to see you all soon back on #1.





Postby Bagginses » Thu Mar 11, 2004 10:37 pm

Well, I've been unable to play for a week, and all this talk of how much fun FH is and such is killing me. I really want to hop on and have some fun, but I can't. I'm just hoping BFV will bring some "community" back to this community and get everyone roiled up in the game instead of in getting kicks and complaining. Maybe the admins have discussed this in the admin forums, but how about putting in an admin rotation every week? Take all the admins you have now, divide them in two, and then switch every week. That way they won't get burnt out and you'll have some time to just play. I don't know, I'm sure there are some holes in that idea, but, just a suggestion.


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Postby Face » Fri Mar 12, 2004 1:17 pm

I admin'ed several Counter-Strike servers back in the day. I will tell you that CS's admi-mod made admining very easy, but it still took away from my personal gameplay.

I can't image how the admins can have fun playing BF with no in-game admin tools. They have to switch out to a third-party program external to BF. It takes a LOT out of their enjoyment.

Yet, they do it. I am hardly on anymore, but when I am, if there is a smacktard there, they will be promptly kicked.

No one should complain about ECGN admins. They do one hell of a job. And they forfeit a lot of their own play time. Imagine trying to fly and kick idiots at the same time. Or having to kick 3 TKers only to come back and see your sherman facing a tiger and 2 panzers. Sucks to say the least.

Everyone should just understand what the admins do to make ECGN the best public server of any game ever, and then maybe complaints will lessen.

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Postby SkiloDog2000 » Sun Mar 28, 2004 12:08 am

I agree completely with you guys, the admins give up alot of time to put up with everyones bs they need a break.

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Postby Jeffro » Sun Mar 28, 2004 1:13 am

Well...games come and go...

and when battlefield2 comes out, we will start over and have a blast just like when battlefield1942 came out :)
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