ecgn staff conduct?

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ecgn staff conduct?

Postby sunbelt » Sat Apr 10, 2004 7:41 pm

i was playing a nice game of BF:V tonight,about 8 pm EST USA,and suddenly,your staff started to be rude,badgering..and just basicaly no fun to be around. heres a link to the screens i took.

i really don't think this is the kind of image you are trying to send out about what this company is all about...later


Postby Casus » Sat Apr 10, 2004 7:50 pm

Sunbelt, I cannot read all the text in those pics, but the few I can make out, it appears a user named Kristov wearing an ECGN tag is the one using the foul language.

He is NOT an admin, he wears an ECGN tag as a regular player, and has no admin responsibility.

That means he has the same rules as the rest of the players on the server, and I will check with the admins to see what happened.


Please PM me if there was someone else in those pictures that I missed.

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Postby Camel toe joe » Sat Apr 10, 2004 9:12 pm

I have warned kristov before on #2, I wouldn't hesitate to kick any player that keeps cursing,


Postby MMmmGood » Sat Apr 10, 2004 10:03 pm

Prime is not an admin either. If Makar was doing something wrong, whoever kicked him checked it out first to verify he was breaking a rule.


Postby Dakana » Sun Apr 11, 2004 8:30 am

Those two players that were breaking the language rules are certainly NOT ECGN staff. As a regular on the #1, I know I've been kicked after using bad language. The true admins don't put up with ANY rule breaking, no matter who it is.

I know we're sorry for how you may have been offended at either the lanugage or the failure to administer a punishment towards the rule-breakers. It is my guess that no administrators were on at that time.


Postby sunbelt » Sun Apr 11, 2004 9:58 am

ECGN buliwyf,is he not one of your server admins,and if no admin was on server with admin rights,then who kicked the people in shot#41? if need be i can clear up the shots,i saved all the originals and can put them up at a higher res. Thanx for your reply...later i went ahead and cleaned them up for better viewing,hit the original link in the first post.


Postby Casus » Sun Apr 11, 2004 10:46 am

Looks like Maker was kicked for TK'ing, I'm not sure what your point is now?


Postby Dakana » Sun Apr 11, 2004 10:51 am

Pretty sure he means "Why didn't Buliwyf kick those who were cursing excessively?"

To this - I don't know. I think different admins take different stances on it, sincec the only thing about language listed in the official rules are concerning racist comments. Personally, I think there will be a publicly declared rule about swearing, becuase there are people that get on the servers who may be pretty young, or just don't like the language shown there.


Postby sunbelt » Sun Apr 11, 2004 11:09 am

the point being that you have people breaking your own rules on lang.,impersonating ECGN staff by just throwing a tag infront of thier name,then trying to bully the other players to do what they want as if they were the comander in cheif of each game.EVERY time i have played on either #1 public or #2 public servers i have run into this problem,my suggestion is to have no one but ECGN staff wear your tag and kick and if need be bann anyone who is not,They bring the name of your company into a bad light everytime one of these children (and i do belevie they are )go off on one of thier lil tyrates. A simple modification to your current server rules would probly end this,and finding WHO is actually running the server would be much easier to make a complaint while in the game with-out going to the extent i've had to to bring a simple thing to the proper eyes. If by chance,anyone is in a server testing thier ping and trying to get a feel for the people they would have to deal with in renting one,you are probly loosing custmers,i'm just trying to alert you to a possible problem you may have not been aware of.

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Postby Chacal » Sun Apr 11, 2004 11:25 am

The [ECGN] tag some regulars wear does NOT mean they're staff members. It's like a clan tag. This is common practice on all servers I've seen.

Admins are not required to wear a specific tag.

While we try to keep an eye on things, we're still playing a game and can't see everything. By looking at your screenshots, I can tell Buliwyf was indeed doing his job, because players were kicked for TKing and for racist language, which are absolute rules on our servers.

We have a rule about excessive bad language. It depends upon your definition of "excessive". This is after all a war game. It depends on the particular case and on who is admin. I have more tolerance on language than others.

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Postby residue » Sun Apr 11, 2004 11:34 am

i looked over all of sunbelt's screenshots. i don't think buliwyf was aware of the offensive chat text on the nva side because he was on the other team and would not have seen it.

makar was likely kicked after buliwyf was alerted to teamkilling and ritchie was kicked because his chat message was broadcast globally where an admin could notice it.

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Postby Buliwyf » Sun Apr 11, 2004 12:16 pm

I saw first hand what makar had done.

liek residue stated i believe I was the only admin on at the time, on the opposite team on the opposite teamspeak channel.

I can only do so much... Your best bet is to get on teamspeak and notify an admin right away, we frequent it often
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Postby MMmmGood » Sun Apr 11, 2004 1:21 pm

Originally posted by sunbelt
[B]impersonating ECGN staff by just throwing a tag infront of thier name

As Chacal stated, this is something that "server regulars" do and not admins. Admins are not required to put anything in front of their name to identify themselves, and as such, makes them better at their job because players dont know when they are on

They bring the name of your company into a bad light everytime one of these children (and i do belevie they are )go off on one of thier lil tyrates.

All of our admins are mature adults and do not abuse their power, even if they did, it would show up in the logs.

If by chance,anyone is in a server testing thier ping and trying to get a feel for the people they would have to deal with in renting one,you are probly loosing custmers

Actually, our BF1942/BFV servers have tripled since BFV came out, but thats off-topic.

In this particular incident the admin on hand did his job by booting both offending players, period.

I would have booted Prime and Kristov had I been there for their excessive use of profanity as well.

Also bear in mind that being an admin on our public servers in no way makes you a staff member of ECGN, they simply get access to the remote admin tool to help make our public servers a decent place to play.

Any other questions, please e-mail me directly at

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