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Any chance of a UT2K4 Forum?

Sat Feb 21, 2004 6:46 am

Just wondering since Onslaught has become
so popular on the ECGN #3 Demo server.

Also how about setting a score of more than 1
thus peeps only have to wait 5 sec between
games rather then a entire map reload.

Forcing Team Balance would be really nice.

Plus the last min switching to the team that
is obviously going to win gets really old...anyway
to stop team switching late in the game.

Ok end of ranting...

Last any chance of using custom node setups
rather then the Default all the time. Here is
a helpful link on that subject.


The classic "Z" pattern can really fun...and provide
some crazy carnage at that middle node.

BTW the 32 player server is the only server that I have
played on w/ that many peeps and still be lag free.
Great server and thx.

P.S. Sorry if this thread is in the wrong area.
Not sure if this is more of a Q&A thread.

Sun Feb 22, 2004 10:51 pm

I think this is such a great idea, UT2004 is so kickass.
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