Why was I banned?

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Why was I banned?

Postby Ninjalo » Tue Feb 03, 2004 7:26 pm

I was playing a game on the ECGNetwork.com #1 on February 3rd at aprrox. 6:30 pm Eastern . i used a racial slur, and was warned about being banned, so i assured the
moderator that i wouldn't cuss again. The moderator agreed. The game continued for about 5 more minutes, and out of nowhere i get a messege " Sorry Ninjalo, but you were warned before" and then i got banned. But i never said anything after the point of agreeing not to swear.

Now i know the in game chat is logged, so i would like
for someone to look into this, because i enjoy playing on your servers. thanks

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Postby Chacal » Tue Feb 03, 2004 8:52 pm

You first used abusing language, then you were kicked for that. Then you used "Jew" as an insult. Then you were warned by me, another admin and other players.

THEN this happened:

2/3/2004 18:31:28 : # [Global] Ninjalo: haha nigger
2/3/2004 18:31:32 : # [Global] [ECGN] RiSK: whoa
2/3/2004 18:31:51 : # [Global] [ECGN] RiSK: you need a ban
2/3/2004 18:31:56 : # [Global] Jeff-Canada: definately
2/3/2004 18:31:56 : # [Global] Ninjalo: whyw
2/3/2004 18:32:04 : # [Global] Xythar {TS}: languagea
2/3/2004 18:32:13 : # [Global] Ninjalo: fine i wont swear ten
2/3/2004 18:32:21 : # [Global] [ECGN] RiSK: watch your language
2/3/2004 18:32:26 : # [Global] Ninjalo: will do
2/3/2004 18:36:26 : Chacal said 'Sorry Ninjalo, you were warned before'.
2/3/2004 18:36:34 : Chacal said 'Enjoy the EA servers'.
2/3/2004 18:37:04 : Chacal banned player Ninjalo on map raid on agheila.

You were given warnings, which is not necessary under our rules:
9- Racist language: racist talk on chat or on Teamspeak gets you banned, period. Other abuse like profanity is judged by the admins on a case by case basis. This is a war game and we don't expect players to recite poetry, however there are limits.

For any other offense I would consider unbanning. However, i don't see how that would suddenly make you not a racist anymore, so as I said, have fun on the EA servers.

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Postby LeVar Burton » Tue Feb 03, 2004 8:56 pm

Damn dude... don't let the door hit you on the way out. I'd also like to use this post to complain about the chat spamming thats been going on after 1.6. It gets pretty annoying when the 4 lines of chat are constantly taken up by people having side conversations. Any chance some admins can take some action?


Postby Ninjalo » Tue Feb 03, 2004 9:03 pm

so where does it say i used the word jew after i agreed not to speak that way anymore?... see, i'm new to the ECG servers, so i wasn't aware of the rules. Its got nothing to do with being racist, as i am not. Just habbit, if you will, of playing on other public servers where any words go. But hey, if you want to stick with the ban, fine, i thought i could plead my case, because i enjoyed playing on your server.

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Postby LeVar Burton » Tue Feb 03, 2004 9:12 pm

(sorry Chacal if I'm infringing on your territory) I was playing today with you, and I remember seeing jew used in a negative way. You're biggest problem, Ninjalo, is that you made no apologies, just excuses and questions.

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Postby Chacal » Tue Feb 03, 2004 9:26 pm

I'm too lazy to pull the log for before 18:30 because it got rotated.

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Postby Matt174e » Tue Feb 03, 2004 10:28 pm

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Postby Bagginses » Tue Feb 03, 2004 11:51 pm

I'm sorry but if you toss around words like the one Chacal quoted "out of habit." I don't want to play with you period. You can stay banned for all I care.



Postby Ninjalo » Wed Feb 04, 2004 3:25 am

to any who were offended, sorry. I'll play elsewhere. thanks for your time and happy gaming

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Postby SGT DEVILDOG » Wed Feb 04, 2004 4:38 am

I kicked you earlier for bad language/racist language. Most people here do not agree with that type of language. I hoped that you would take that as a warning. I see you did not. I am sorry for you because the other servers are a lot different than here. My only advice is try pming Chacal privately (and be sorry). Otherwise have fun elsewhere. Have a nice day

P.S. I have screen shots of your language if you need them.
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Postby Chacal » Wed Feb 04, 2004 5:50 pm

PM received. Decision will follow.

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Postby Chacal » Thu Feb 05, 2004 4:09 pm

Considering that using racial slurs is an unacceptable behavior as defined in rule #9;

considering that wether or not you are a racist person is none of my business and has no impact on the way you play, only the expression of racism being offensive to other players;

considering that you now understand how this was offensive and have agreed not to use such racial slurs anymore;

considering that it is possible you turn out to be a good regular player after all this;

I've decided to turn your permanent ban into a 2-week ban. If you want to come back on our server, PM me your CD-Key hash on or around Feb. 19th and your ban will be lifted.

Ralph Wiggum

Postby Ralph Wiggum » Thu Feb 05, 2004 4:45 pm

That read like a UN resolution Chacal.


Postby RCinator » Thu Feb 05, 2004 4:52 pm

the right honorable gentleman makes a good point ;)


Postby Dakana » Sat Feb 07, 2004 12:19 pm

I can plainly see why racist language is taken so firmly into account. Anyone who can't clearly doesn't see the immense effects racism, bigotry, and ignorance has done to society. 6 million Jews. 8 million Russians. Countless others. What was WWII fought for?
Personally, I'd hate to play with a racist, or even someone who jokes around like that. Hopefully; lesson leared.


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