This forum is used for questioning why you were banned or kicked from official ECGN servers. Posts anywhere else will be deleted, keep them in here.
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Lameass Kickings

Thu Mar 18, 2004 9:12 pm

I think it's pretty cheesy when you get kicked for accidentally shooting one tank, not even disabling it, when there's a huge firefight and the reason you shot the tank was because you're under major enemy fire. what makes this even worse is that two maps before team killing and vehicle stealers were running rampant and NOTHING was done about it. I've played on the server consistantly since it came up, and over a year on the 1942 servers, and shit like this is just stupid. I mean, I understand kicking people for doing stupid stuff, but when it was clearly a mistake there's no reason for such behavior as an Admin. it took me 45 minutes to get back in, for some stupid little mistake that didn't even kill anyone.
I mean it's one thing to run a 'serious gaming community' but it's another thing to just be stupid about stuff.

so go ahead and flame me and say whatever now, but I just think this was nonsense, especially where there were people on the server with a consistant -10 record for like 3 maps in a row before he was kicked.

Thu Mar 18, 2004 9:57 pm

Get in TS, and when it happens say something, like "oops, accident".

Thu Mar 18, 2004 10:05 pm

As you can see, the janitor is in need of a spelling lesson. Youre supposed to say "oops, accident":P :lol:

Thu Mar 18, 2004 10:11 pm

First, this thread belongs in "Whines, complaints and excuses."

Second, speaking of accidents, ever consider you that maybe were kicked by accident?

Thu Mar 18, 2004 10:22 pm

I was in TS, heh, it may have been an accident, it just seemed too 'convinent' not to be tho. whatever tho, it happens

Thu Mar 18, 2004 11:33 pm

Also, calling the ECGN staff FAGS and this is why you hate the server will get you nowhere.

This is the 2nd time someone has complained about your name in TS in the past week. Keep it up and you will most likely fine yourself banned from it.

Keep the foul language and comments to yourself, it's not wanted.

If you don't like ECGN as you keep claiming on TS.... there's the door, and let me open it for you on your way out.

Sorry if this sounds harsh everyone, but the calling of ECGN staff FAGS and this server sucks because of the rules/kicks really ticked me off.

Thu Mar 18, 2004 11:35 pm

actually... I never called anyone a need to put words in people's mouths to try to make them look worse in the eyes of the public man... Like i said, it's over, so how about we drop it. just by talking and trying to get people riled up again is going to do nothing but cause more problems.

Thu Mar 18, 2004 11:39 pm

Originally posted by Kool-Aid
actually... I never called anyone a need to put words in people's mouths to try to make them look worse in the eyes of the public man... Like i said, it's over, so how about we drop it. just by talking and trying to get people riled up again is going to do nothing but cause more problems.

It's a shame I did not have the record button on.

I have 0 respect for you now. regardless, I shall not reply to this anymore. say what you wish as I stand by what I say AND heard, as well as others.

Thu Mar 18, 2004 11:39 pm

i heard you for a while b4 you got kicked and was close to telling you to settle down myself...the bad language and complaining was a little much...
its just a kick...i know you couldnt get back in for a while...but thats the way it goes...oh glad it wasnt a ban.
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