Re airstrike problems

Make sure to bring lots of med packs, our 64 player beach server is intense!

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Re airstrike problems

Postby =XAV= » Tue Jul 15, 2003 5:21 pm

Hello everyone,

this is my first message on the server and, first of all, I'd like to thank the admins for several reasons:
before finding ECGN server, I played RTCW on many servers (UWF is the only name I immediatly remember but it's a long time ago, in another life) and I must admit that excepted sound problems (not solvable I suppose otherwise Ii would be fixed ) the ECGN beach server is GREAT. People are kind, cool (rude when they shoot you but so funny when you shoot them) and, most of them are polite. I've been reading some messages before starting this one and I totally agree with the admins' politic: please ban racist players, they are using the admins' work to tell about stupid ideas that should not exist any more in the 21st century.
2nd agreement, they're right when they temp ban a blocking player. Some of us (I already blocked people, thanks Keekanoo to let me out...) are sometimes boring when they try to aim their panzerfaust for sometimes almost 10 sec. Meanwhile a kind german has time enough to shoot the whole crowd into the bunker. So please, lads, move immediately away from the bunker. If you wanna panzerfaust germans, go on the beach, near the water and use your binoculars before shooting. This game is, according to me, based on this leitmotiv 'the strongest, smartest and luckiest will survive longer than the others, if he's a part of a squad'.

I have an idea about Airstrikes: why don't you deactivate it?
I know it's a part of the game but so unfair for all the victims...

But please, don't change the way you're managing this server and, for the ones who don't agree with the admins' politic, go away and let ECGN breath. If you don't agree with thi politic, create your own server (with all the difficulties you'll encounter and let us know when you're ready, within 4-5 years)

thanks for your audience

See you soon on the beach, under the sun


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