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ECGNetwork.Com #2 BFV - Booted/Banned?

Wed Jul 07, 2004 4:32 pm

I was just playing on ECGNetwork.Com #2 BFV 4:45pm EST 07/07/04, Name in game: USA_RULES (HASH d68e3).

I played about four maps doing well with no mistaken TK's. On my fifth map I was at 14 Kills and I was killed 1 time. Someone mentioned lagging, I noticed the lagging myself and checked my ping and that I was at 50, which was low compared to most of the players. I typed in there was Lagging Big Time as a reponse to the last thread. Next thing I know I was booted. I checked to see if the server was down but it was full, 44 players. Was this the case of the ADMIN wanted a regular ECGN player in? Or was the ADMIN not happy with my comment about the lagging. I am usually on ECGN using teamspeak, but the headset is broken and I like ECGN Servers because the ADMIN's usually don't tolerate the smacktards and such, but to be booted for a lagging comment. I would liked to continue playing on ECGN Servers but cannot connect, was I banned?

Wed Jul 07, 2004 8:14 pm

You're not in the banlist. You're not in the logs. You weren't kicked by PunkBuster either.

What was the exact message? "Kicked from server" or "Disconnected"? What happens when you try to reconnect?

Wed Jul 07, 2004 9:34 pm

It was Disconnected. But my broadband connection didn't go down. When I went to get on again the server was full. The thing was, that right after I typed "Lagging Big Time" I was disconnected. Maybe it was coincidental.

Wed Jul 07, 2004 11:18 pm

If you were kicked or banned a message would have shown saying so. When I get dropped the same message (disconnected) comes up for me. It is not the policy of ECGN to kick to open up a slot, and we defiantly don’t ban to make a spot.

Thu Jul 08, 2004 12:36 am

It was no coincidence. The network problem that caused your lag also got you disconnected.

Thu Jul 08, 2004 7:55 am

Thanks Chacal.

Thu Jul 08, 2004 5:48 pm

Ummm...I see no thanks for the junior :tard: . Well your welcome anyway:P

Thu Jul 08, 2004 11:08 pm

OK, thanks to you also Sgt.:beer: :beer:

Fri Jul 09, 2004 3:59 pm

You're not junior anymore, Gramps.
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