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Wed Sep 22, 2004 1:31 am

Server: ECGN BFV #2
Date: 09/22/04
Time: 1:40 AM EST
Name: PhOeBus
Map: Ia Drang
Side: US

KILLED BY AN ADMIN: For some reason that I was not made aware of, some Admin decided that I should die. Never seen that done before. Kind of like the hand of GOD. Doesn't seem very fair I must say. Guess he really wanted to fly the gunship I was piloting. Repeated requests for reason for termination, from any Admin in game, were unanswered.

BANNED: Moments later, respawned US main base, entered Sheridan Tank in the 2 position & proceeded to destroy enemy targets assulting main US base. SOME MORON decided to hop in the 1 position and fire main gun randomly. A Huey attempted to land for repairs right infront of the tank, just as I was firing on moving APC. SOME MORON swings turret around and fires on Huey and destroys aircraft. LOL, of course I get credit for the TK. The incident was apologized for over game comms. Was banned. Fate of enemy APC and SOME MORON.... unknown.

The Banning I can understand. We all make mistakes. But I would really love to know why I was Killed. But most importantly I'd loved to be un-banned. I hope this doesn't go on my permanent record...

PhOeBus (a.k.a. "|P|Inc.Necron99")

Wed Sep 22, 2004 3:33 am

I am the one that you need to be talking to concerning both incidents. 1st let me apologize for the admin slap, that was not my intent. My admin kill button is next to my warn button, and it was hit by accident in the heat of battle. I died as well in the crash. I meant to warn you not to base camp their flags without at least trying to make an effort to take them. If you recall when we took off we had all the flags but one. After you hovered over 4 different flags that the NVA ended up taking (3 of which were gray when you left them) I wouldn’t call that much of a help to your team…only your score.

As for why you are banned the story you told was complete B.S. When I took off in the chopper I lost half of my health from a very lethal hail of MG bullets. I turned around looking for an enemy but all I saw was you…Hmmm, I landed in front of your tank to see what you would do and guess what? You gave me a main cannon shot to the face. Please don’t say that someone else was in the tank with you, because I was about 10 ft from you with my 3d map on and YOU were alone. Also, there was no enemy APC around because I looked. That is why you were banned.

Wed Sep 22, 2004 11:22 am


All I can do is stand firm by my statement and hope to be unbanned. If I did anything deserving a warning, being killed or banned I fully apologize.

I play exclusively on ECGN servers as I feel they are the best run. I appreciate the role the admins play and have always shown respect for my team mates. I play a lot with MAXIMUM and Jim Caves and have never had a problem with any ECGN members, till now.


Wed Sep 22, 2004 11:39 am

P.S. If anyone here was at that game and can help me back up my account, I would greatly appreciate it.

Wed Sep 22, 2004 4:07 pm

Phobus, Thank you for approaching this matter in a mature and reasonable manner, because of this and the fact that I have seen you play before. I am lifting the perm ban. If you contact me on 9/29 I will lift the ban. Keep in mind this will be your last chance. Do not TK ever, especially a revenge TK. See you in-game have a nice day.

Thu Sep 30, 2004 10:37 pm

Please unban me.

Fri Oct 01, 2004 3:53 am

Try it now

Sat Oct 02, 2004 4:19 pm

You are welcome.
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