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This one time on your server

Fri Oct 08, 2004 10:47 am

I was play on your server recently and wile i was playing i made use of the globle chat . Maybe I used it more than your admin Max would like but, i figure
if it's in the game and i have a opition of using the Globe chat i am going too.

The best way to put it is i got banned form the server for chatting or , what your admin Max would call it "Chat Spaming" .

It started when ozzy( another player on that server at the time i was on) asked what graphics card i have . I told him and as you can guess we start Globle chatting or, " Chat spaming " about are hardware.

A admin give me a warning saying i was doing something wrong.

I thought to myself "omfg wtf is this malarkie". In trun i gave him some maybe unfriendly advice and told him " Don't be such a dickbag and have a admin power trip" i said . Not the very wisest chose of words however, i used them . I have played on many servers and even my clans server and never once seen a rule or , a admin act like this.

As you could guess i got a 1 min kick/ban from the server . Complaments of Max.

Now at this point i should of just found another server to play on but, i am sturborn and set in my ways. Call it human imperfection.

I went back in and started to play and chat abit more but, not as much at frist because i knew where that would end me up so, i played alittle . I chatted alittle and all was good,

Later when i saw that we were down tickets and all are flags where capped i stated to have a convercation ( a very lovly and mature one) with another player that was sitting in spawn like me weight for a flag to be capped.

Now to my unsuprized state i got another lover letter, warning me to stop " Chat Spamming" . Which to me is a new meaning towards the combind words . I have played in many leagues and ladders and never once was aware of the meaning of "Chat spaming " being directed to chatting in globle chat ingame .

The definition i am aware of is placed in two categories.

Frist being like "i am the uberCo0l KIller" "i am the uberCo0l KIller"
"i am the uberCo0l KIller" "i am the uberCo0l KIller" "i am the uberCo0l KIller" In IRC for example .

Second being posted on forum like






I will consider that maybe, in some peoples minds that this is "Chat Spaming" when your talking in globle chat . That's thier right to have a opinion and, i am in no way prejudice to anyones beliefs.
However i do have a right to choose to have one too.

To make a long story not so long i got banned for using (and imho the right to splurg myself with) the globle chat ( to my understands) .

I don't know how you do things here but, if your in the business of selling gamming servers (and i am assuming your targeting clans) with this rule and hospitality (i am assuming this as well and by no means be taking too seriously).
Might not do very well in sales imo but, hay i could be wrong.

I would like to be unbanned from the server and wish to be able to chat in globe chat without getting grilled about it , However if you deem that what i did was wrong in anyway (other then suggestion a admin not to be a "dickbag and go on a power trip") i understand and thank you for your time for reading this.

For everyone that fells the same as i do you can come to The Team Heretic Server. All are welcome anytime and play and, you can use the globle chat just don't act like a


And no we don't consider chatting in the globle chat "Chat Spaming" We only consider it with the two i mentioned aboved.

Once again thank you for your time


Fri Oct 08, 2004 10:54 am

Wow. Did you call Dr. Laura before you wrote this? I'll bet you collect beanie babies.

Fri Oct 08, 2004 11:02 am

what ?

Fri Oct 08, 2004 11:05 am

This needs to be moved to the Been banned forum. If it's here, then peons like me can put in their opinion. Which I will now :)

Using the global chat for non-game related (note: non-game, not non-gaming) messages is kinda like talking loudly on your cell phone in public. It's rude, and annoying. You can say that people can just ignore it, but that's not true. Also, it has the effect of making legitimate, game related messages harder to see. Now, it would be nice if everyone had teamspeak and we didn't have to use the team chat, but that's not the case. For many players, the team chat is the only way to alert others to enemy attacks, ask for help or whatever. If you want to discuss graphics cards, playoffs, or the weather, hop on ICQ or AIM or something.

Additionally, if an admin of a server says something to you, its a good idea to realize that their opinion of the rules is the one that counts. You may not think it was chat spamming (IMO it was) but the admin clearly did and that's the definintion you've got to go by. Anyway, just my $.02 before this gets moved.

Fri Oct 08, 2004 11:09 am

Damn- hmm- It's Friday. I am getting ready to go to the Black Forest in Colorado for the weekend.

I am going to kick back w/ nothing but trees & wild life.

I plan to be one w/ nature and to be nice to all of God's creatures. I will fast a little and cleanse my mind of all modern things.

But I would like to hear more about this out of puritent curiosity. Before I have to leave. Because I always like to share my "support" to those who feel unfaily treated. It's just in my nature.


Fri Oct 08, 2004 11:22 am

That reminds me of this one time at band camp...


Fri Oct 08, 2004 11:29 am

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Fri Oct 08, 2004 11:45 am

I think you missed a valid point . I was talking in "Globe Chat" not "Team Chat".
However i will agree with one point you made ." it has the effect of making legitimate, game related messages harder to see" This is true however i belive that if you can shot a guys and hit him at 100 artificial yards away , you can notice a team chat message when it's been posted , but hey that's my opinion . Also with the 1.2 patch i love so very much you can now see where that "Enemy spoted " is comming form via the yellow arrow.

Now the cell phone story is a good point however people don't come with mutes and if humans did don't you think it would be rude to try to mute him because iyo you think he is loud?

Every event in life comes with two stores .Like the one i posted here.

Fri Oct 08, 2004 11:59 am

Platinum, you were warned to stop then(and you admit this) said 'Don't be such a dickbag had have a admin power trip.'

And you have a complaint?

BTW, learn English before you bitch.

Fri Oct 08, 2004 12:27 pm

*sigh* Thank you for so eagerly pointing that typo. It is now fix .
If there is anymore i know i can count on your keen eyes. ty again

Fri Oct 08, 2004 12:57 pm

Platinum, thanks for sharing your opinion. Sewer-Urchin has given you the best possible reply. It does reflect our official policy on chat spamming. The game server is not a chat room for off-topic conversations. Sorry if it's a little harsh, but is is our policy.

Fri Oct 08, 2004 1:19 pm

I play on that server allot. Max is fair and you said it, he warned you. Move on.

Fri Oct 08, 2004 1:24 pm

wtf is global chat is that afancy name for the "k" key

Fri Oct 08, 2004 1:41 pm

Originally posted by Bluenoser NC
That reminds me of this one time at band camp...


you beat me to it!

smacker! :)

Fri Oct 08, 2004 1:43 pm

Wow! Have you been taking lessons from Skilo on typing do's and don'ts? Ass **OOPS** as has been stated go Yahoo or ICQ if you want to discuss hardware and politics. If you want to taunt, keep it mature and take it easy on the "F" bombs, if you want to give your position to some one great! In short, Keep chat(global or team) involved with the game and don't sit and repeat the same call over and over.

I am sure you get the point.

Ask the admin on your clan server, when it is running full, how he likes people flowing a constant stream of conversational chat through the global chat. Or better yet if you are with a competitive clan during your next match stop and discuss the directional flow of seamen in the Atlantic and see how that is received. OR you could continue to breath like a tick and see where that gets you.
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