Banned again? What now?

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Banned again? What now?

Postby jdawgg2020j » Sun Jun 13, 2004 8:39 pm

I was just banned again. The only message I got was "Banned - see ya"... funny thing is, I can log back in. However, perhaps I could first know why I was banned? I have no idea which admin I pissed off this time, but all I know is I was in the middle of a firefight with an axis and I froze up and was booted. I had two TKs that I am aware of that round, and both I apologized for. The first was on a lot of my team while we were rampaging for the FDA - I dropped a nade and it took out a good chunk of the team along with a ton of axis. The second was on top of the axis base - I threw a nade up before climbing the ladder and it landed on this guys head. I ran to go shove him off the ledge so it didnt blow him to bits, but he got creamed. Both times I said sorry - it had to have been over two minutes later that I was banned, so I don't think those TK's were the problem.

Any reason I was kicked? I was in like 7th place so I obviously was not on a TK rampage. I am not going to log back on until I figure out why I was kicked in the first place - I'd hate to be perma-banned just for showing my face again.

Oh wait, I TKed in retaliation / self defense as this sniper kept blowing me away every time I got near the axis base. Since it happened three times, I was certain it was intentional. So the fourth approach I blew him off the ledge before proceeding. If that is a bannable offense, then you are going to have a LOT of banned players as that particular TK was completely justified. Rather than whine to an admin (of which I don't know who IS an admin) I took care of the problem and carried on my way. This TK happened after the FDA and before the nade falling on the guys head, so I sorta doubt this was it either....

So again, what did I do, and who was the admin that banned me? (I put my money on Keekanoo)

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Postby Savant » Sun Jun 13, 2004 8:58 pm

So you TK'ed in retaliation eh? after all that crap you posted?
and here we are again with you clearly being the victim, i was specing you, your busted end of story. the sniper your whining about you ran into his round 1 time not 3, its happened to me before when they shoot into RW.

bet money it was keek? you lost


Postby jdawgg2020j » Sun Jun 13, 2004 9:14 pm

My clearly being the victim? I have no idea why I was banned (or attempted to be banned). So it was that guy? I am not sure how long you were watching me, but he had sniped me three times in a row - I spawned, ran up ladder, headed toward Radio Room, and he blasted me. The first time I didn't even know who it was, just saw I was killed by a teammate. The second time it happened, I took interest and realized it was him. And the third time it happened I got pissed and blew him off the ledge. Had he said sorry after the first two times I might have believe him, but after the third TK with not one sorry, he was intentionally team killing.

It is amazing that an admin will lie (two admins) just to try to "get back" at somebody who spoke outward about their immaturity. Well sorry, but I am not going to apologize to you for the intentional TK in hopes to be let back onto the server as Jdawgg. Why not? Because if I cannot defend myself against a TeamKiller just because Keekanoo told you all to watch me like a hawk and ban me if I so much as accidentally shoot a teammate, then what is worth playing as that name anyway? I guarantee you there is a thread in the admin forum where he tells admins to watch me.

I suppose while you were watching me you missed the five rounds where I was leading the team and not doing anything wrong. Why on earth would I go and TK with intentions of being an asshole if I had just gotten back in from a temp-ban? Your logic just doesn't make sense. You are right, I TKed the guy intentionally. However, it was not like I just went up to some random guy and blasted him just for fun - I took out a player who had TKed me repeatedly.

Any reason that you pay particularly close attention to me and what I do? I make a perfectly justified retaliation and self defense TK, and I bet that round alone there were thirty different INTENTIONAL TeamKills that were maliciously done by somebody interested in ruining other people's fun. In fact, a guy dropped a grenade outside the FDA and immediately went spectator so that it killed a bunch of us. Well again, I guess you were too busy obsessing over me? I am not a bad person nor a malicious Team Killer. I am a guy who tries to have fun, and who will defend himself when he is team killed by the same person on multiple occasions with no apology. The fact that I have been blacklisted by all the admins on the server because I had a dispute with Keekanoo is just ridiculous.

Note I only killed the TKer once. I ddin't even bother to remember his name. I just stepped out of FDA, saw he was still there sniping, and took him down. I never finished him off, and never spoke nor shot at him again. Would somebody who was intending on maliciously TeamKilling a bunch of people and ruining a server do something like that? Now it is one thing to say that I was kicked and perma-banned for a number of minutes because of a retaliation TK and that I SHOULD have whined to an admin, but it is a completely other thing to dish out yet another ridiculously long ban (I think you meant to make it pera-ban, but it never even temp-banned me). So where is your logic when you make these calls and then make the post? It does not add up, and all of you should see this!

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Postby Savant » Sun Jun 13, 2004 9:21 pm

Hows this?

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Postby Savant » Sun Jun 13, 2004 9:23 pm

Keep counting those rounds....


Postby jdawgg2020j » Sun Jun 13, 2004 9:24 pm

Yea, I never questioned you were watching me. That was the guy, yep. Sgt Clay Pigeon was his name apparantly. What was the point of posting that picture "Savant"?

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Postby Savant » Sun Jun 13, 2004 9:24 pm

Got him!

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Postby Savant » Sun Jun 13, 2004 9:26 pm

Pretty good aim... see-ya


Postby jdawgg2020j » Sun Jun 13, 2004 9:27 pm

I already acknowledged that I TKed the guy. I also explained it was justified, and it clearly was. Count the rounds? Yea it is going to take more than one or two bullets to kill a person pal - it probably took most of my clip. Then again, you are the one who psycho-ishly screenshotted half the game with me playing.

Get ready to be wowed as he shows you frame by frame me charging the guy and taking him out.


Postby jdawgg2020j » Sun Jun 13, 2004 9:29 pm

Now show them more pictures of how I rampaged through the server and took out teammate after teammate with my MP40 - oh wait, that never happened. It was ONE GUY and as per my post, he had TeamKilled me several times.

Why didn't you screenshot the times when HE team killed ME? Oh I wonder why...

I'll tell you why - you just sit there and wait for me to make a team kill and you record that team kill just so you can say that I was Team Killing and that I deserved to be banned. You probably took note that I was TKed 3 times and it wouldn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that I would retaliate after a while, so you were all set and ready to record some play-by-play making it look completely intentional. And it was, I said that it was, but you left out the parts where he TKed me three times intentionally.

I think I speak for anybody who likes to have fun on RTCW servers when I say that if I am TKed repeatedly, intentionally, and by a SNIPER for God's sake, I will shoot to kill the next time I encounter him as to not get killed yet again and have another one of my lives wasted, not to mention more of my time waiting to spawn.

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Postby Savant » Sun Jun 13, 2004 9:47 pm

OK 1 more, 'cause you insisted


Postby jdawgg2020j » Sun Jun 13, 2004 10:08 pm

Hahaha, now did I TK him? Nope - you would have had a shot of his death too. Again you just post a shot allowing people to manifest their own captions to it. You all know this experience, and I guarantee admins do the same thing. This guy was blocking the door and rebounded my shoves. He shot me with his lugar and took off up the ladder. I put 4 bullets into him and moved on - he didn't respond again, and neither did I. He knew he had it coming. Again, I never TKed that guy, becvause he did not deserve to be TKed for what he did.

God, try telling full truths rather than supplying a screenshot with no explanation. That shot alone, along with your smug comments, makes me look like I am rampaging the server chaotically. Again, show me TKing another person maliciously please. You are a joke Svant - even better than Keekanoo because at least Keekanoo simply spewed BS with words rather than being psychotic enough to take screenshots of gameplay and putting them way out of context.

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Postby Savant » Sun Jun 13, 2004 10:34 pm

Time to up your dose, wont waste any more time with you

lets rehash shall we?

Bleeding of 'mates
reprisal tk'ing

And this after all the dribble posted before, only 2 days after a temp-ban here we are again.

I'm a joke, Keeks unreasonable, and you are BANNED


Postby jdawgg2020j » Sun Jun 13, 2004 11:34 pm

Won't waste any more time with me? Like I haven't heard that before.

Everybody can see how ridiculous you are being. This is insane. Here is one PM I got from people who are backing me silently. I don't blame them for wanting to do it privately, because knowing how you admins work, they probably fear being banned for siding with somebody else that is banned:

Don't worry about these pussies. They get that time of the month and they ban and kick whom they want. Keek and Savant are the worst. I have a ban on me. Some dick was blocking the door and I popped three shots in him and he dies and get the boot. Fuck this serever.

I understand you pain.
Total bullshit.


Postby Keekanoo » Sun Jun 13, 2004 11:43 pm

Jolly good show Sav, Jolly Good.

Carry on. :lol:


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