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Mon Jan 27, 2003 6:06 pm

Does the flamethrower getting most kills require skill? Is that something else now that we must deal with?
Is it unfair that an Axis engineer might want to throw all his grenades into the trenches while Allies run through? That would bring up a good tally of kills AND the eng respawns with 8 more grenades. And it's not one-on-one with the guns; it's just some cheap eng killing us when we can't see him.
Sorry, just looking for consistency.

"I honestly can't tell how you can become a better player if you get out of the trenches by luck." --Killer Mike

I believe I said something about it making me more aware of my surroundings, not that it was just luck. If there was luck involved I'll take it. Luck beats skill everytime.

BTW, I got 'most ammo given' a couple of nights ago while I was on Axis. I think the number was 46 packs. I also had about 45 kills (not the most and not only airstrikes) and about 20-some deaths. I'm not trying to brag (I dare not brag, for I'll have to pay for it on the server later!); just trying to point out that some LTs do give ammo (not just to themselves). I hope 46 packs isn't miserly. And sorry, but I can't help it if another LT picks it up.

Damn...here I go trying to sway opinion again....

"Hell, if all lifes problems were like this we'd be lucky." --El Cid

It would be nice......:D :D

Mon Jan 27, 2003 6:12 pm

Originally posted by Doug the Unforgiven

"Hell, if all lifes problems were like this we'd be lucky."

It would be nice......:D :D

Just remeber after you quote somebody you have to give them recognition.LOL:help:

Mon Jan 27, 2003 6:18 pm

Originally posted by El Cid
Just remeber after you quote somebody you have to give them recognition.LOL:help:

You're right. I just assumed (yes, we do not assume; heheh) that we knew who I quoted. But it is a few posts up so I should have known better.

:cool: :cool: :D :lol:

Mon Feb 03, 2003 2:58 pm

I played Lt on Axis, and I was throwing airstrikes left and right, I got like 70 kills, and the Axis won, but its so cheap. The allies dont even stand a chance, this airstriking is too easy. Someone said that when FF is off, the flamethrowers become gods, and thats true. Lt's and Flamethrowrs are just too powerful when FF is off I think.

Mon Feb 03, 2003 7:43 pm

There is no way in hell that FF will be turned on so we might as well not even go there.:D

Tue Feb 04, 2003 1:05 am

you know everytime when im on oc im a luitenant and everytime i got most ammo given! even one time when i played 25 minutes i gave 8 packs of ammo i still got most ammo given! so seariously lt's need to give more ammo instead of airstrikes

Sun Feb 09, 2003 11:44 am

Originally posted by [RD]{gen}Beast
you know everytime when im on oc im a luitenant and everytime i got most ammo given! even one time when i played 25 minutes i gave 8 packs of ammo i still got most ammo given! so seariously lt's need to give more ammo instead of airstrikes

I've seen this too! I frequently get "most ammo given" when I play AND I throw a lot of airstrikes.

A couple nights ago I was spec-ing. The match ended and the highest ammo given was 8! I thought WTF, I would have given out at least 45 or 50!

Not bagging on your 8, Beast. I don't know who got it. I agree that was pretty pathetic. It was like NOBODY was giving ammo. You probably only had to play two minutes as LT to get those 8, then finish the rest as medic just to find out your highest stat was as an LT.:D

It can get really sad out there...

Sun Feb 09, 2003 3:21 pm

maybe make the air strike foot print smaller ?
maybe a blast scale size of 30 feet insteed of 120 feet.

limiting LT's would suck. lowering the recharge time more would suck. limiting lives more would suck.
seems as if the blast has been stronger to recently, going into bulidings, no no no MAKE THEM LESS strong not MORE

Sun Feb 09, 2003 4:18 pm

i've totally no problems with airstriks: if you see the smoke, search for the ltn. that dropped it and bring your self to safety... ;) and if you can't then block the airstrike... on oc its very easy to block airstrikes and you see it when you can run off it so it explodes safely...

i think people have more problems with my artillery... i did nothing else then artillery and some shooting and i got most kills award: 71 :D

Thu Feb 13, 2003 12:55 pm

On Beach, snipers can reduce the airstrikes considerably. It's been a while since I have played but I recall whenever we got either 2-3 snipers that set up on the hills to the left and right of the beach, we would severely limit the number of successful airstrikes. It took a little discipline for the snipers to get on the same page and not shoot at just any soldier they saw, but pick out lts and enemy snipers.

Thu Feb 13, 2003 1:21 pm

i say we throw FF on for just one day :P i can see it now...the high score on the axis being -18 and the low score in the -100s.

Thu Feb 13, 2003 1:24 pm

That would be ok if we actually played as a team. But, usually its just disorganization. The problem with snipers is that if you get like 6 of them on the beach, then the guys who are going for the objective are outnumbered.

Personally I've gotten over airstrikes. Its avoidable since you can run around the forward bunker on the outside wall closer to the beach.

Your right that snipers can help, but one thing, I can be a LT and throw smoke cannisters from below the upper base onto the trenches without being in sinping range.
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