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See people abusing the server? Cheating Scum? Post about them here for all to see their lameness.
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Plz read

Sun Dec 08, 2002 4:48 pm

I tried to talk to you guys about this but you guys are being rude sayin how i was mad tking people and said i tk 2 admins.

Now let me try to explain to every one and the admins again. I'm tryin to tell you i didn't tk anyone on purpose i just accidently ran that 1 person over right when i started to drive away (never got a chance to say sorry) now i wasn't in the server very long (5mins) and i was booted from it and 1 of the admins said i was mad tking everyone in that shot time but i was wondering if i tked all these people how was my score at -2 then? hmm, and about killing the 2 admins, NO ONE IS THAT STUPID!.

now whould a tk spend all this time tryin to plead his case to the admins that don't listen and want to be leave what they want to be leave truth or not. now i know you guys are fair iknow how 1 how these admins are sayin somthin about cryin because they are to tough on us, well i disagree i think it is good that they are tough on the tkers but sometimes the wrong one get baned (like me).

I don't have any proff that i didn't do but i know i didn't do it because the length of time i was in the game, my score, and my action while i was playin the game.

I beg you to let me back in because i know what kind of a person i am and i know i would nerver do anything so gutless and stupid like that, i know how it feels when you get tked by a mad tker i think a good portion of us players know how it feels.

I don't know whatelse to say or how to convinse you people that i didn't do it, but if any of you remember me up on the server and seen me in the top 5 sometimes 3 i would think that would be a good enough hint that i'm not a tker and that i don't be leave in it! so please give me a chace to show you i'm not a tker!
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