See people abusing the server? Cheating Scum? Post about them here for all to see their lameness.
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Wed Dec 18, 2002 6:30 pm

This is true part of the time.

Say for instance on BotB, a sniper is sitting at the windmill at the beginning of the round picking off people. I'm in the arty at our base waiting for a target so I can shell their base.

It takes all of 5 seconds to whip out your binocs, click a button, and go back to your rifle.

What is the excuse for not doing this? Most snipers cant hit anything anyway so those 5 seconds spent waiting to get a good shot could help the team win.

I dont mind it if a sniper is off doing his thing, but when hes in an area that needs to be shelled, and he sits there, sorry, but your gone.

Our server, our rules. Dont like em, dont play here.

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