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Play When In The Game

Fri May 07, 2004 7:12 pm

To the admins . I was on one of your servers last night playing BF1942 , one of your clan members named xenius_vt was hoping into one of the tanks pulling it of into a corner and just sitting there for the hole game. ask him to get into the game got no responce , Put some nades under the tank to wake him up that when he told me to f off. came back later in the game he was still there ask him again to start playing , told me to go away and must of kicked me from the game. I have talked to other players who have seen him doing the same thing before, thats not the way a clan member on your server should be behaving. I have been a admin on a tfc server for five years and would never let a clan member or any one act like that. rules of the game should allway be when your are on the server you need to be playing dont waste a slot. would hope you will talk to him about this, its all I can ask thank you for your time.:help:

Fri May 07, 2004 7:25 pm

ponderous, please post your in game name, date/time of
the incident. we will check the logs.
thanks for your input.
btw, xenius doesn't belong to an ecgn clan

Fri May 07, 2004 7:30 pm

Well, I'm assuming since this isn't in the Banned section I can respond. Anyways, I was there when it happened.

First off, it was Battle of the Bulge. The Allies should have a Sherman defending the depot AT ALL TIMES.

Second off, it was our last flag. Therefore, there should be TWO Shermans defending the depot ATLEAST UNTIL ANOTHER FLAG IS CAPTURED.

Third off, there's a saying that goes, "offense sells the tickets, but defense wins the game." On this server, we enjoy playing all sides of the situation and defense is an integral aspect of effective teamplay.

Fourth off, the easiest way the axis can gray the flag at the depot is to send infantry into the graveyard, by placing a Sherman in there they don't have much of a chance.

Fifth off, He did not tell you to "f off," I was there the whole game and he told you to stop throwing grenades at him. It's slightly hypocritical of you to say he was wasting a spot the whole time when you spent nearly the entire round standing on his turret typing to him to leave while you threw grenades at him.

Sixth off, if you play on this server enough, you'll realize that the general tactic on Battle of the Bulge is not to go running around with your head cut off letting your tanks get blown up left and right. We enjoy strategy so you should listen in next time and see what's up.

Seventh off, just try defense sometime.

Oh yeah, and Eighth, ECGN IS NOT A CLAN. Xenius can do whatever he likes on the server as long as he abides by the rules. You were kicked because you were throwing grenades at him. That's breaking the rules.


Fri May 07, 2004 7:34 pm

play under the name ponderous this went down on 5/6 between 7:30 and 8:00 pm eastern time. thank you for your quick responce, its sad to see some one behaving like that and just does not get it .

Fri May 07, 2004 7:40 pm

I see sitting there the hole game is a good thing when at one point we had them pushed all the way back and a little more help could of ended the game or held them off when they started to take over the map.

Fri May 07, 2004 7:40 pm

Thanks ponderous, i will check the logs and let you know
soon about the decision.

it's quite obvious to me that xenius and this Bagginses have
no idea how to play the game.

it might help if you could give a brief description of the best
way for allies to win Battle Of The Bulge.
thanks again for your input

Fri May 07, 2004 7:52 pm

Best way to win BotB as Allies?

1. Hold Depot
2. Do not lose Depot
3. Whatever happens, you must not lose Depot.

Axis gets Depot = Game over, man. Game over. :blow:

Fri May 07, 2004 7:54 pm

well one thing I have learned is when you have some one pushed back and off balanced dont let up , with some one holding up the resorces you need to keep pounding them will not help the team to win. I am sorry that I did not know that is a weak point thats needs to be defended , maybe some other resorces could be used to get the same results and free up a tank what do you think ?

Fri May 07, 2004 8:00 pm

It is extremely difficult for the Allies to hold every flag on that map. And with the amount of skill I've seen on this server, I would say it's impossible.

However, I would invite you to offer your own opinion on how best the Allies can win.


Fri May 07, 2004 8:04 pm

if you push forward and leave a small force at depot, you can be sure axis will have acouple guys greying it out shortly :)

This server you got to play like a team and use tactic's (also get on TS) or unless you like being base raped and killed everytime you spawn before you take a step. This is the fate for the side that doesnt play like a team and has no defense.

Fri May 07, 2004 8:11 pm

ponderous, i managed to copy some of the logs, here they
5/5/2004 22:52:30 : User ****** at **.**.***.***:4371 said 'Player ponderous kicked for hijacking vehicle in use'.
5/5/2004 22:55:04 : # [Axis] ponderous: ha i am not the one that ramed the tank in the houes
5/5/2004 22:55:17 : # [Axis] ponderous: but was geting it out
5/6/2004 19:44:09 : User ******* at **.***.***.***:1079 said 'Player ponderous kicked for damaging vehicles'.
5/6/2004 19:45:58 : # [Global] ponderous: zenius get out of the tank
5/6/2004 19:46:07 : # [Global] ponderous: or use it
5/6/2004 19:46:19 : # [Global] Patrick Lee Ryan: ponderous its artillery lol
5/6/2004 19:53:09 : # [Allies] ponderous: xenis are you playing
5/6/2004 19:53:36 : # [Allies] ponderous: stop wasting a tank
5/6/2004 19:53:42 : # [Allies] ponderous: get out
5/6/2004 19:54:06 : # [Allies] ponderous: what are you doing
5/6/2004 19:54:42 : # [Allies] ponderous: ass

You didn't tell us that the admins were abusing you too
by kicking you 2 different times.
xenius should know that an arty tank is a total waste
setting behind the lines.

Fri May 07, 2004 8:17 pm

Yes.. you're supposed to keep a tank in the depot at ALL times if you're on Allied. Hell, even on Axis, there should ALWAYS be a tank back there.

End of story. You attempted TK, therefore, kicked.

Make sure to read the rules here. And please, learn how to use stratgies when playing rather than just wasting vehicles over and over again, espically on a map such as Bulge. When I first read this, I knew exactly what map this had to have been on. :)

Fri May 07, 2004 8:57 pm

Baggineses was right on the dot with this topic. When your Allied on BotB, you need to hold depot if your life depends on it (which it does). Seeing that tanks can come along the side of the map and pass all your flags and enter the back of the depot, you need to leave support there. Its the only Allied Flag that gives you any armor or APCs as well, besides the M10 spawn at NE flag. If you want to play on our server its also best to get on TS (Teamspeak). Teamspeak will require you to download their program from here.

Then go to here...

Read everything here, it includes the rules, and TS connection info. If you follow the rules and get on TS i think you'll find the server to be x50 better. Hope to see you on.

Fri May 07, 2004 9:37 pm

thanks for all of the responses and I do have teamspeak and will get on your chanel when playing from now on so I under stand what the team I am playing on is doing. did not know that your server had a set team speak chanel. thanks for the info, hope to see if I can learn more about the game from your players. but still find it hard to know that a resource like a tank should be tied up for the hole game on defence in the back

Fri May 07, 2004 9:42 pm

one last thing what is the name of your teamspeak chanel on its ip ?
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