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Kicked by admin

Tue Jul 12, 2005 2:07 pm

I'm not sure why but for some reason I just get kicked from the server. I go the entire round without a TK and get to around 62 in score from kills and caps and then I get 'You have been kicked by admin either by successful vote or for team killing.' Thing is the only ones I killed on the round were the enemy. This has happened twice and it only happens when I'm doing really well.


Tue Jul 12, 2005 11:39 pm

Which ecgn server were you playing on?

Wed Jul 13, 2005 5:23 am

Originally posted by FarginMofo
Which ecgn server were you playing on?

and what name did you use in the game?
We need those two pieces of information to see if you are
in the banlist for that server.
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