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what some fucking pussies

Sat May 27, 2006 11:37 am

some guy was in there ban happy as a mother fucker. i dont really care if my ban is lifted cuz my ass wont be in your pos server ever again. i went in there so i could fly cuz it a lowly populated server. we needless to say i know why i it wasnt populated. the 30 minutes i was in there 3 ppl got kicked or banned. this is freaking war. if you dont know how to get a plane out of your base then you need to return your game to walmart and stick to counterstrike. i was tryin to take off and a linebacker was sittin next to my hanger. so i blow up the linebacker and take off, go to their base and kill that guy again and i get kicked. i come back in and get kicked NOT hittin a team plane that took off. i was just fooling around. if you all dont fix this then ur just going to be some bum clan that spends half their life on bf2 and the other half in your local middle school.

Sat May 27, 2006 11:41 am

Thanks for stoping by to let us know you do not want your band removed.

Have a GREAT weekend.

BTW: ECGN is NOT a clan.. Just a community.
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