BF42.COM *HELP WANTED* Now hiring

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BF42.COM *HELP WANTED* Now hiring

Postby Buliwyf » Tue Sep 09, 2003 10:52 am is looking for new members to join our staff. As the summer draws to a close, we are going to need more people to make up for the less available time to spend online. If your looking for something to do during your spare hours, this could be a good opportunity for you. There are a number of positions open to distribute your talent. We are not currently accepting applications for forum moderation. Here is a list of positions open:

Content Staff - Looking for 5
This position requires you to keep information up to date on different sections of the site. This may also involve gathering new information and doing research on different topics such as WWII History.
News Posters - Looking for 5
Like to keep up with the day to day events of the community? The this job might be for you. News posters will have access to our news wire along with a whole list of links to modding sites and other related information sources. News posters may also have the opportunity to conduct interviews with other members of the community.
League Reporters - Looking for 7
Are you a member of the clan community? Like to keep track of the current standings and the drama behind it? This could be an opportunity to voice your opinion on the league play and have your voice heard. You'll be conducting interviews and providing some predictions in this position.
Review Staff - Looking for 5
As a member of this section will be reviewing all sorts of material. Primarily different aspects of the game and this community.
Development Staff - Looking for 3 operates on a robust system, we need programmers and coders to help maintain as well as create new levels of usability. We are looking for Graphic Artists, php/mySQL coders, as well as individuals who have a sound knowledge of html. Individuals interested in these positions will need to have a good background in web development as well as a good working knowledge of the Linux O.S.
File Distribution - Looking for 8-10 is just a few days away from launching a brand new File Distribution Software comparable to File Planet and File Shack. With over 1000Mb/s of file transfer bandwidth slated to be available soon, You will be working with top of the line machines and the best bandwidth available. Members of this section will need to have a commanding knowledge of the Linux OS, and routing. We need several individuals willing to help us maintain this section and the servers. We need people of all levels of expertise. We also need several staff that will work directly with the file sources to ease their efforts and accommodate their file distribution needs.
If you are at all interested in one of these fields or have another field that you would like to suggest we have available, please send the following information to: with " Staff Application" in the subject.

Email Address:
Location & Time Zone:
Previous Site Experience:
Preferred Position:
Coding/Programming Experience:
Average Time Spent Online Per Day:
You will be required to have IRC in order to submit an application. You can get mIRC ( An IRC Program ) for free at their website under the Download section. We will contact you if we are interested in having an interview with you via email if your application is considered. Remember that this is strictly a volunteer and that your contributions are greatly appreciated. You will gain a lot of experience in the field of web development, which could turn into a paying job one day. So submit your application now!
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