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Admin(s?) kick happy on #2 BF:V

Sat Mar 27, 2004 10:58 am

I was personally recommended to the #2 BF:V server by a few co-workers, including one admin. I've played on it for 3 days now (4 sessions). In two of the 4 sessions I've been kicked for no reason.

(I don't really chat unless my coworkers are on, and my in game handle is simply "Cougar")

The first night the server was fairly full, so I figured I was getting booted for someone else to try and get in. But today, I load up, we are playing one of the two City Temple maps and I am actually having a good run. I waste a few people in a row (I was killing people in my Patton then jumped out and took a few out with my M60) and then all the sudden I get kicked from the server.

I'm not talking in chat, I don't have an abusive handle, so why am I getting kicked? Especially when I was doing good this time (we were a good 5-10min into that map). I like the pings I get to the server, and the play sessions that I haven't had this problem (Last night) the competition has been fun and friendly. Much better than normal servers... just kinda irks me.

Sat Mar 27, 2004 11:21 am

I was on ..but didn't kick ya.

Sat Mar 27, 2004 12:11 pm

I have been kicked once by an admin (Wairudo), because I took off with a piece of artillary and I jumped out to go further on foot. That's till I was kicked.. The explanation was that I shouldn't have left my panzer because therefor I was helping the enemy bringing them artillary.. This example might have been your problem too!

Sat Mar 27, 2004 12:44 pm

Admins don't kick to make room for others, or so I've heard.


Sat Mar 27, 2004 12:57 pm

Originally posted by Dutchy (nl)
I have been kicked once by an admin (Wairudo), because I took off with a piece of artillary and I jumped out to go further on foot. That's till I was kicked.. The explanation was that I shouldn't have left my panzer because therefor I was helping the enemy bringing them artillary.. This example might have been your problem too!

He's talking about BF:V not 1942.

Sat Mar 27, 2004 1:54 pm

my personal experience tells me that the admins do whatever they want and get away with it. whenever they get a whim they follow it... go look at their screenshots section... they kick/ban anyone they feel like..... ive been kicked a few times for no reason and when i went to look it up on their kick ban lookup thingy i didnt get anything.....

but whatever i wouldnt worry about it... just find a better server to play on....

Sat Mar 27, 2004 2:28 pm

Originally posted by liQUiD8OR
my personal experience tells me that the admins do whatever they want and get away with it. whenever they get a whim they follow it... go look at their screenshots section... they kick/ban anyone they feel like..... ive been kicked a few times for no reason and when i went to look it up on their kick ban lookup thingy i didnt get anything.....

but whatever i wouldnt worry about it... just find a better server to play on....

This is absolutely positively true. We do whatever we want and kick/ban as many people as often as we want.


Dont like it, go somewhere else.

Thread closed.

Sat Mar 27, 2004 2:31 pm

Oh and Cougar, today I booted you by accident, I meant to kick the guy below you in the remote manager.
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