Have you ever wanted to be the next Roger Ebert and critique movies? Not sure if you should get that HD-DVD or Blu-Ray version of your favorite movie? Well look no further as ECGN welcomes you to the movies! Please, no cell phones...
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Wed Dec 26, 2007 10:20 am

I can't wait, seriously. I'm a sucker for any movie with giant monsters, dinosaurs etc, as long as they are like the size of buildings or bigger.


Re: Cloverfield

Sat Jan 19, 2008 2:34 am

Saw it, loved it. A lot of people will have problems with it, especially if you hated 'The Blair Witch Project', some similar negative aspects. As always, there are plot holes, or places where you need to suspend logic a bit. Nothing like any 'Godzilla' type of movie either, just way more intense, scary, and little depressing even.
This movie is one that you absolutely *have* to see in a movie theater with a big screen and a great sound system. The louder the better!

Re: Cloverfield

Sun Jan 20, 2008 4:20 am

Went to the matinee today at 5:25. I loved the movie as well. It was something out of the ordinary for me and it had me on the edge of my seat the whole time. I had no idea what to expect. I would definitely see this a second time, and maybe a third if I can find the money.

Re: Cloverfield

Sun Jan 20, 2008 7:39 pm

Yeah, I'm gonna a see it again too. Anyone who is turned off because they think it's some sort of Godzilla knock-off, trust me, this movie makes Godzilla look like a pansy. This monster thrashes the ever living shit out of New York City, and unlike Godzilla, it has a brutal agenda: kill people and wreck the city. It's nearly as bad a nuclear bomb!! I was just staring up at the screen with my mouth open for half the movie.

I didn't pay attention to the final bit of tape, with them at Coney Island, I guess you see something splash down into the water in the background.

Re: Cloverfield

Sun Jan 20, 2008 8:07 pm

cavalierlwt wrote:I didn't pay attention to the final bit of tape, with them at Coney Island, I guess you see something splash down into the water in the background.


I missed that part too I guess.

Re: Cloverfield

Mon Jan 21, 2008 1:34 am

Great movie, just saw it.

For those that see it again (and note the end), can you PM me your findings? Or just post here with a spoiler warning :D

Re: Cloverfield

Mon Jan 21, 2008 2:14 pm

cavalierlwt wrote:This movie is one that you absolutely *have* to see in a movie theater with a big screen and a great sound system. The louder the better!

Right on! I hate when people say they will just wait for it to come out on DVD to rent it. No way! The movie experience should involve the big screen and loud speakers. I think I gotta go see this movie now just from talking about the theater. I love movies :D

Re: Cloverfield

Mon Jan 21, 2008 3:03 pm

I agree with the "experience it on the big screen with a crowd" but last night I saw this movie with two of the biggest mongoloid assholes on the planet right in front of me.

First of all, they had above-average sized heads, and they refused to keep their industrial-sized melons in one place. They felt it acceptable to lean one way one minute, then the other way the next minute.

And I swear these retards were sitting on three telephone books.

I wanted to grab their two heads and smash them together like Moe used to do to Curly and Larry.

Aside from that the movie was good. Not quite what I expected, but still good in my mind.

Re: Cloverfield

Mon Jan 21, 2008 6:53 pm

Eh, it was a good movie. Action was awesome, but plot suffered. Didn't know what was going on besides a giant monster attacking. Too many holes. I'd rather them tell me than having to think the entire movie and speculate. Ending sucked. Didn't like it at all. I wouldn't pay to see it again. Overall not bad, something different I guess. A lot better than the Blair witch.

Re: Cloverfield

Tue Jan 22, 2008 12:53 am

CreepingCharlie wrote: A lot better than the Blair witch.

Way better. It doesn't compare.

Re: Cloverfield

Tue Jan 22, 2008 4:55 am

Some people are going to find it dissappointing for lack of a more traditional story arc, the basic:
1)Here's the monster
2)here's how the monster came into existance
3)here's what the monster is trying to do/ what the heroes must do to stop the monster
4)the final confrontation with resolution.

The movie doesn't go that way, not really a plot or story arc, just a view of a monster wreaking havoc. Personally, I can appreciate that style, but there were times when I wondered if the movie could have be a bit better without the 'shot by an amateur' look.

Maybe if they had made the character of 'Hud' a blossoming documentary maker with fairly high end consumer grade camera equipment, and thus he was chosen as the guy to film the party, we might have gotten all great 1st person perspective, but with slightly steadier, well focused camera shots.

I'm amazed to find out that this movie was made on the cheap! Seriously, this movie was made for $25 million!! That POS 'Godzilla' movie from 1998 cost $130 million and felt small scale compared to 'Cloverfield'

LOL at Zog's experience with the Melon Head brothers!! :D

Re: Cloverfield

Tue Jan 22, 2008 12:11 pm

$25 million to make? That's pretty cheap considering how much it is making.

Re: Cloverfield

Tue Jan 22, 2008 1:22 pm

Well, it was so cheap to make considering the actors/actresses were no-names, at least I think. The film equipment used was fairly low-end to give it that amatuer feel which also saved money. I think by doing this they got to spend a shit load on the special effects where it counts most, which were amazing. I have to say, all of the scenes with the monster looked amazingly real in comparison to other movies of its nature. If anyone has seen 'I am Legend' you will understand what I mean. The monsters in that looked ok, but transitioning them into the film looked like someone cut and pasted them in. They didn't blend well with the scenery. I was amazed with that movie until when they revealed them and was highly disappointed.

As far as the loop holes in plot for Cloverfield, if you don't understand that then I feel bad for you. I hate people who go to movies and want every meaning handed to them. It's like, people are so lazy these days it hurts them to just think. I remember when I saw 'No Country For Old Men' in theaters and a woman in front of me said, "I wonder if there will be a second one...". Are you fucking serious!? That's what I wanted to say to her. Did you not just watch the same movie as me? NO, THERE WON'T BE A SECOND ONE YOU, FUCKING IDIOT!!! Stay home and watch your lame movies.

I mean no offense to anyone, really. I am just sick and tired of people saying this movie had too many holes in the plot. The movie wouldn't be true to itself if it handed you everything. It was meant to feel like you were behind the camera with them. If something like this were really to happen, you'd be just as clueless about what is going on and they hit that aspect right on the head. In fact, shit, people were lucky enough to even see the fucking monster. When 9-11 happened and people were in chaos, did you think they had all the answers?

Oh and Zog, I wonder if one of those melon heads were me haha. I can never sit still in those chairs. I went to the liberty tree mall theater, not sure where you watch your movies though. *edit* nevermind, I saw it last night. you saw it two nights before.

Re: Cloverfield

Tue Jan 22, 2008 4:24 pm

I went to the Braintree AMC.

Man, while the actors were wrestling CGI monsters on the screen I was battling melon-headed gob-nodders in the seats.

I was to the point where I was going to politely ask one of these freaks to just choose one side to lean his over-sized brain-bucket, but I actually stopped because I felt one of the guys had some kind of real problem, physical and\or mental.

Re: Cloverfield

Tue Jan 22, 2008 4:32 pm

WTF! Are you people in cahoots with the file makers. Are you not gonna give me one clue what the monster looks like. That's all I wanna know. I don't care about the plot or peoples big heads. WHAT DID THE MONSTER LOOK LIKE???????????????????? :D
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