ECGN Failstars

Make sure to bring lots of med packs, our 64 player beach server is intense!

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ECGN Failstars

Postby Assimilator » Fri Nov 26, 2010 12:36 am

There is a school of thought in the Wolfenstein community that is plaguing our beloved server. It is the belief that stats on a pub are the true measure of skill. Ironically, these douchey tards will always say, "It's just a pub!" when a player like myself wants to play for the objective. I ask you, if it's just a pub, why should these numbers mean anything?

Yet this clan of arrogant assholes (you know who you are) insist on using these stats to speak authoritatively on a game they don't even play the way it was intended. So, I guess it's time to pull out my Cal-i ring. It's been collecting dust for many years. Let me show you it.


This is my Cal-i Enemy Territory Season 3 Championship ring. It's very prestigious and kind of a big deal in the NA ET community. I'd like to use this now in order to also speak authoritatively about this game.

Brothers and sisters, RtCW is an objectived based FPS with multi phased maps, stopwatch rounds, supporting classes, capture points, and multiple spawns. All these things point to a game that was designed to create super ultra mega intense, action packed battles that require teamwork in order to break through to the objective.

The test here is to be able to advance to and control areas of the map by making intelligent use of your surroundings and intelligently helping your brethren as best as the situation allows during the raging heat of battle. This obviously also requires quick reflexes and good aim, but there's much more going on here. Mindless deathmatching is kiddie shit by comparison. Many of us here already know that RtCW is the bestest and funnest multiplayer FPS known to man.

Now many of these ECGN failstars will tell you that we are just oldschoolers trying to hang on to past achievements in order to feel better about ourselves. They will say that the game has evolved much since then and we now suck. The reality is competition in Wolfenstein died. How can skill possibly evolve without competition? Most of the players that are left are some of the noobiest players I have ever encountered in any FPS known to man. I mean it's pretty bad LOL.

I'd like to refute this nonsense claim by simply providing some factual evidence to the contrary. Not too long ago, some of these ECGN Failstars fielded a team for the TWL: RTCW 2012 Mayan Apocalypse Tournament. You'd think from all their trash talk that they would have won this thing easily. No. They got their asses handed to them. They didn't even make it to the final. Some oldschoolers won the tourney.

To those who will listen, let us endeavor to take the game a little more seriously and play like adults. Not because we are playing in some tournament, but because that's the way it was meant to be played. And games are always more fun when they are played that way.

To those of you who refuse to listen. You suck.


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Re: ECGN Failstars

Postby Larry King » Fri Nov 26, 2010 2:07 am

My $0.02:

1) The server settings and map lend themselves to the gameplay. Limited lives plus the same craptacular map 80% of the time and shorter than intended spawn times are just an invitation to play for kills and headshots. It might as well stay on mp_base all the time. If you want people to play the game like it should be, set the round times and respawn times to default. There's a reason games in a Bani server are more like what RtCW was supposed to be, because you can't see your fucking stats at the end of the round. (I hate Banimod for everything but that, don't get me wrong) I don't know how many times in a row you can play beach, but you have to do something to make it less boring after a while. They're racking up stats because at least it gives them something to do. That, and I know at least one of them gets a kick out of griefing.

TL;DR - The way the server is set up now is just plain boring.

I understand the reluctance to change it. It's worked for a long time. If you want to keep it working, maybe it's time to throw a little grease in the gears.

2) Source talks shit because that's what he does. If you get on teamspeak with him, you know it's generally all in good fun. Nigel too. Don't know about the other guys you're talking about, but it's like a daycare center: once one of them starts, the whole place goes up in flames.

If you want a real wolf experience, then set up the server for a real wolf experience. It's MAA's server, and it's worked the way it does for a long time. There's plenty of empty 1.4 and 1.0 and ET Pro servers with good rotations and server settings. No one plays in them. They'd rather play mp_base dm or mp_beach shitfest.

That's just the way it is. You can make your brunette girlfriend bleach her hair blonde, but at the end of the day, the carpet won't match the curtains. There's no reason to play beach the way it was meant to be played if you don't have to wait 40 seconds to respawn.

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Re: ECGN Failstars

Postby B » Fri Nov 26, 2010 3:56 am

Booorrringggg....didn't see my name anywhere in your posts.

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Re: ECGN Failstars

Postby =TAO=WARPIG » Fri Nov 26, 2010 10:20 am

"can't we all just get along?"


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Re: ECGN Failstars

Postby Paco's Gun » Fri Nov 26, 2010 12:57 pm

2) Source talks shit because that's what he does. If you get on teamspeak with him, you know it's generally all in good fun.

lol... I don't think he's talking about me. I don't play at the server and when I did I didn't promote that clueless idiot deathmatch downgrade mode of play. The server really needs rotation though, I don't think even the previous beach noobs even care anymore since they stick around when an admin changes the maps... at least when they are stock/goty. MAA should take the degeneration server and switch it to shrub, then use it to test out popular server settings that he doesn't want to put on the main server (rotation, 1 nade limit, lower stamina, etc...).

Also, dont be too hard on skibb's team assimilator, they had to go through me. Elusive's shoulders were sore from the night before.
" wrote:Hey paco, weren't you there? Oops I'm sorry... nevermind hehehehe... you hacking piece of shit.

" wrote:i was messin around that day when it said mombot i thought it made the guys turn into girls..iv never ever used a hack

" wrote:As I'm sure you are aware Source, I don't TK much with the panzer, in fact I hardly ever miss a shot.

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Re: ECGN Failstars

Postby Larry King » Fri Nov 26, 2010 2:06 pm

Sorry Source. I read ECGN Failstars and you were the first thing that came to my mind. :red:

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Re: ECGN Failstars

Postby skibby » Fri Nov 26, 2010 3:38 pm

wasn't my team full of old players? And i didn't even get to play against you =[

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Re: ECGN Failstars

Postby Paco's Gun » Fri Nov 26, 2010 6:10 pm

Yeah, you couldn't get off the bench... lol just kidding. I know you had to work or something. Nobody in that tourney had played an rtcw scrim/match in at least 3 years (and most didn't even pub anymore) so I don't think any team really displayed any significant teamwork. I don't know what this dude is talking about other than nigel playing like a vagina, but he's just bani trash anyway. He's probably just referring to the agents, and despite my best efforts I couldn't convince them to join the tourney. Tourney was kind of fun though, it was almost like re-learning comp all over again since nobody was used to the cookie cutter shit anymore... village finals is still fail though.
" wrote:Hey paco, weren't you there? Oops I'm sorry... nevermind hehehehe... you hacking piece of shit.

" wrote:i was messin around that day when it said mombot i thought it made the guys turn into girls..iv never ever used a hack

" wrote:As I'm sure you are aware Source, I don't TK much with the panzer, in fact I hardly ever miss a shot.

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Re: ECGN Failstars

Postby Assimilator » Fri Nov 26, 2010 7:38 pm

Larry King wrote:My $0.02:

1) The server settings and map lend themselves to the gameplay. Limited lives plus the same craptacular map 80% of the time and shorter than intended spawn times are just an invitation to play for kills and headshots. It might as well stay on mp_base all the time. If you want people to play the game like it should be, set the round times and respawn times to default. There's a reason games in a Bani server are more like what RtCW was supposed to be, because you can't see your fucking stats at the end of the round. (I hate Banimod for everything but that, don't get me wrong) I don't know how many times in a row you can play beach, but you have to do something to make it less boring after a while. They're racking up stats because at least it gives them something to do. That, and I know at least one of them gets a kick out of griefing.

Incredibly Larry, I have found, throughout my Wolfenstein travels, that server settings don't seem to affect too much wether people decide to play obj or not. IMO, server settings mostly affect a player's general combat habits. Which is why we have so many god awful noobs LOL. HP server anyone? No friendly fire!? These noobs literally play like 12 year olds. /end rage.

Back when I was pubbing ETpro regularly with all the competitive players, these guys still insisted on only wanting to deathmatch. I decided to be a stubborn mule and and ruin their gaming experiences by capping on them constantly until I was permabanned from one server (LOL!!!!!) and forced the players of the other server to actually defend the objective. This made for some great gaming experiences. In contrast, I've been to some ultra noob servers where the players always do the obj.

Larry King wrote:2) Source talks shit because that's what he does. If you get on teamspeak with him, you know it's generally all in good fun. Nigel too. Don't know about the other guys you're talking about, but it's like a daycare center: once one of them starts, the whole place goes up in flames.

Gaming rage and shit talking are hilarious and don't bother me. It's only when people start bitching about obj or switching maps in the midlle of stopwatch rounds that I feel my gaming experience has the potential to be ruined. It is then when I must retaliate. :flame:

Larry King wrote:If you want a real wolf experience, then set up the server for a real wolf experience. It's MAA's server, and it's worked the way it does for a long time. There's plenty of empty 1.4 and 1.0 and ET Pro servers with good rotations and server settings. No one plays in them. They'd rather play mp_base dm or mp_beach shitfest.

MAA actually has respectable server settings all things considered. I'm actually kind of impressed with his performance. I am, however, in total agreement with you on map rotation. I think we are in a unique situation rite nao where the noobs don't overwhelmingly outnumber the veterans. At least in this version of RtCW. At this point, I really doubt you'd lose half the players because of map rotation. Servers stays full on weekends when they do it manually. I've actually been considering donating to the server so I can maybe get some referee status and regulate some assholes. :yes::P

Paco's Gun wrote:lol... I don't think he's talking about me. I don't play at the server and when I did I didn't promote that clueless idiot deathmatch downgrade mode of play.

You are wise beyond your years. And no I wasn't talking about you.

Paco's Gun wrote:The server really needs rotation though, I don't think even the previous beach noobs even care anymore since they stick around when an admin changes the maps... at least when they are stock/goty.

The truth has been spoken.

Paco's Gun wrote:Also, dont be too hard on skibb's team assimilator, they had to go through me. Elusive's shoulders were sore from the night before.

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Re: ECGN Failstars

Postby Assimilator » Fri Nov 26, 2010 7:43 pm

P.S. I like B's (o Y o) clan tag quite a bit. It is very cute.
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Re: ECGN Failstars

Postby B » Fri Nov 26, 2010 10:49 pm

Assimilator wrote:P.S. I like B's (o Y o) clan tag quite a bit. It is very cute.
Makes ya hawt huh...I have that effect on people..

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Re: ECGN Failstars

Postby Assimilator » Sat Nov 27, 2010 12:27 am

B wrote:Makes ya hawt huh...I have that effect on people..

LoL. Yes.
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Re: ECGN Failstars

Postby g-1 » Sat Nov 27, 2010 5:47 am

wow this thread is a joke. I'm still not sure which team assimilator is referring to...obv not xil since they won, im guessing hawk or sexodus? either way every team in that tourney had people who now play/played then at ecgn, being that its the only server left. Your whole reasoning is off, if any team was "oldschool" in that tourney, they were the team my team beat in the first round.

...and ms. B stole GLOW's clan tag, even though she never was one of them. or maybe she's unaware of rtcw history, which of course would make her a perfect admin for a server!

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Re: ECGN Failstars

Postby g-1 » Sat Nov 27, 2010 6:06 am

and yeah the server really needs a rotation. I'm sure MAA will spew some "blah blah blah i know whats hip in the rtcw community", but really, even nubs now hop on to axis then hop off on allies. or they hop off at the first sign of boredom, WHICH HAPPENS EASILY WHEN YOU PLAY THE SAME MAP OVER AND OVER

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Re: ECGN Failstars

Postby Assimilator » Sat Nov 27, 2010 4:27 pm

g-1 wrote:wow this thread is a joke. I'm still not sure which team assimilator is referring to...obv not xil since they won, im guessing hawk or sexodus? either way every team in that tourney had people who now play/played then at ecgn, being that its the only server left. Your whole reasoning is off, if any team was "oldschool" in that tourney, they were the team my team beat in the first round.

...and ms. B stole GLOW's clan tag, even though she never was one of them. or maybe she's unaware of rtcw history, which of course would make her a perfect admin for a server!

"You are so dumb. You are really dumb. For real."

I'm pretty sure it was indeed Sexodus.

Playing on ECGN does not determine wether a player is oldschool or not. Exile and Hawk are oldschool players. I know because I played with Common for a bit in ET. I don't know any of the other players nor do I know when any of the players in Sexodus played. I just know they got owned. This thread is serious business so let me troll in peace.
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