
See people abusing the server? Cheating Scum? Post about them here for all to see their lameness.

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Postby Killer Mike » Sun Oct 20, 2002 9:56 pm

I cannot point out one exact person, but it seems that the server seems to be having a lot of spam. People will yell out medic over and over and it gets quite annoying. Is there any way that you can make it where you can only do like two voice chats until spam protection kicks in?

Sir Fartsalot

Postby Sir Fartsalot » Sun Oct 20, 2002 11:33 pm

That and the guys that call for ammo and have (unknown) locations, like we can tell where that is, and then ignore questions as to where they are, and complain that no one gives them ammo.

Guys and gals, check your ammo and medic requests for location, and pay attention to the chat to make sure that people aren't looking for you, ammo or medical kit in hand!!


Postby Wolverine » Tue Oct 22, 2002 4:58 pm

If u find yourself in the situation where u appear on the unknown list all u have to do is a quick team chat and it should give ur location to ur team.

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Postby SilverSurfer » Wed Oct 23, 2002 12:10 pm

i think they allready explained why unknown appears
it is because oc48 is letting 60 players play on a beach map that was orignially made for 32 persons
so if there are to many people playing on the server things like that happen
my space

Sir Fartsalot

Postby Sir Fartsalot » Sun Oct 27, 2002 4:21 pm

Paperclip: I know why it happens, because of the 32 person 'limit' attributed to this map. I think thats a compliment to the developers that even under the stress of 64 players there are no major problems playing the server.

Wolverine: That was my point. I've had several players moan and complain because no one gets them ammo or a med pack or a revival, but they never payed attention to the team chat to see that two of their own teammates were trying to find them.

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Postby Kristov » Sun Oct 27, 2002 4:31 pm

The unknown location issue is due to the fact that RtCW is set to handle 32 players, period. Anything beyond that, you are 'unknown' on map location, you don't show in the scoreboard, etc. The Q3 engine is capped at 64 clients in the core engine, can't be increased, and RtCW is 'gui capped' at 32.

Has nothing to do with the server per se, it's the software.
The enemy is attacking, let us prey.


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Postby SilverSurfer » Wed Oct 30, 2002 2:29 pm

thx kristov:D but we allready knew that :lol:
sir fartsalot said it just before you did

plz read his post

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Postby Weasel Meat » Wed Oct 30, 2002 2:56 pm

the anti-spam protection setting could be lowered I dont know what it is called but I belive there is a setting for that. some people just spam becuase they can get away with it. example: The enemy is weakened. that usually comes about ten times in a row as a team only voice chat. The Hello chat is fun sometimes though.

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Postby Lord ZOG » Wed Oct 30, 2002 4:11 pm

I laugh my ass off when the Axis team starts Spamming "Hello" and "Hey" back and forth. I laugh so hard I often get my ass waxed because I'm not paying attention.

Sure the "Enemy is Weakened" BS pisses me off, but given proper timing and a good bunch of guys on the server the built-in chats can really lighten up a game.

My credit card number? "Nein, nein, nein, nein - nein, nein, nein, nein, nein"!!

And a well-placed "Oops" can make getting obliterated a little more tolerable...

I say raise the SPAM limit and just ban a few chats if possible.
Lord ZOG

"Well hello Mister Fancypants. Well, I've got news for you pal, you ain't leadin' but two things: Jack and shit... and Jack just left town."


Postby Edogg » Wed Oct 30, 2002 5:47 pm



Postby iceman41 » Tue Nov 12, 2002 10:37 pm

I use enemy is weakened chat after I have naded the war room to let incoming know that there are a few less axis in there, if I've taken some out. If you hear that from me now ya know. It does have a use
when done properly.


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Postby Lord ZOG » Tue Nov 12, 2002 10:50 pm

You mean these built-in chats have a useful purpose???

Awww, MAN!! Now you tell me!
Lord ZOG

"Well hello Mister Fancypants. Well, I've got news for you pal, you ain't leadin' but two things: Jack and shit... and Jack just left town."


Postby 6undam » Wed Nov 13, 2002 5:50 am

That's one thing I find with these team chat, over-usage has now meant that I totally ignore them except the 'hi's and 'bye's and 'cover me's... Iceman's usage of the enemy is weakened would have been most useful if I knew it had a use... :P A classic case of crying wolf...


Postby Tha187um » Wed Nov 20, 2002 6:10 pm

Ok ok... The current spam setting is ok i think, I love to use "The enemy is weakened" and I LOVE "Heh Heh" right after it... I love MOVE from the allies, I almost cried the first time I heard it, it sounds so mean... :)

When I say the enemy is weakened as an Axis is because I'm freaking bored and i can't find allies... and if I'm an allie i say it cause i'm mad that i keep getting blasted by air strikes... :) and if I say it inside the war room when Im an allie is just for the hell of it...

If im dead and i over do "Medic" Im sorry, but it pisses me off when I have a medic standing over me and he doesn't do crap...

If I ever say incoming for than twice is because it there's a LOT of them coming, i don't bother when its one or two unless they both can do heavy damage with their weapons...

Zog, is it you that doesn't stop with the Hi, hello, HELLO, hi, hello, HELLO I THINK THAT IS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ANNOYING :) I always respond to it and i laugh but sometimes I wish I could just turn off the sound lol

One question, one time an Eng. planted a dynomite in the war room, and it blasted me *we're both axis* Elite told me to look out for him that it was a parasite, what the hell does that means and how do you become a parasite???


Postby Unregistered » Fri Nov 22, 2002 12:54 pm

yo, iron man suggested i post in this forum as opposed to the smoking room. to be honest with you i dont know why i didnt put it in here in the first place...anyways instead of starting a whole new thred i figured id just stick it to the spam thread.
holy shit, i wanted to smash the guy named fire in the hole in the head with a blunt object last night. everytime a round started, hell, for no reason at all he'd yell fire in the hole at least 5 times in a row. jesus is that shit annoying. btw good games last night, shitty teamwork aside.


p.s. dont yell the enemy is weakened unless they are.


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