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Thu Sep 18, 2003 8:04 pm


Iam a new user for the ecgn. I was playing on the bf42 1 sever and some person Vasgis kick me becasuse I was the back gun on the dd in D-day. I would like to me unbanned from the sever. Thank you .

(ECGN) Sgt.Fury

Thu Sep 18, 2003 8:07 pm

whats the black gun mean?

Thu Sep 18, 2003 8:40 pm

Hey Vegis (SW BF42 #1 ?)--U SUK as an admin (like the forum slang ?)...thought U might like to know that, before I go further.

You kicked a 10 year old (Sgt Fury...a.k.a. Sgt. Nick Fury and His Howling Commandos, Marvel Comics, a.k.a, Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., Marvel comics too!), who is a newbie and really just learning the game at a team level and wants to be a member of this clan (ecgn)... But, I guess your clan membership only wants to thrive on vet recruits (and if you are indicative of the clan membership, then KMA) and not develope new talent...well, so be it.

But really, get a life...I told my son not to ask to be re-admitted by kissing UR pimply and limp...well U KNOW, immature ass. ME a favor...don't lift the ban on your server for
Sgt. Fury, he doesn't need you or need to play in your game. There are many more clans, servers and players of all ages willing to enlist, instruct, mentor and play with the Sgt Fury(ies) of the gaming net. My son currently enjoys membership in the 7th Flotilla of SH2 (an established clan of older on-line players). They throughly enjoy his enthuisiasm and participation and he has enjoyed active and good standing for over a year of playing this submarine simulation.

So, enjoy your stay at home on every Friday and Saturday night and truly experience your pitiful excuse for a life within in your own little cyber world that you control, without every meeting anyone face to face and conducting yourself as an adult, least of all as a man (oh yeah, and being on the hook for any consequences, it is sooo easy being anonymous).

Oh yes, I am in a petulant mood, irate at such as U...welcome to my pernicious zone bubba.

PS. The guy writing this note can present, negotiate and frank any check his mouth writes...can you son...I also know I don't need to banter with the likes you, but the mod struck me. Later toad.

PSS. Oh yeah, my son in no way agrees with this little addendum I've posted, but since he is 10 and I'm 40..."cuz I said so," suffices for now...besides, he understands some person(s) need a little dressing down to realize the need to be a little more humble to their fellows.

PSSS. I wonder, in your infinite wisdom, how many of your fellow clan members really think your a swell guy.

PSSSS. I hope this stirs you to more futile (and probably written) acts of stupidity little man, because you will not have the maturity to let this go.

PSSSSS. Don't cha' just hate it when strangers meet...

PSSSSSS. Had enough?!

PSSSSSSS. One more time...Really!

Thu Sep 18, 2003 8:55 pm

This isn't a clan. This is a place of business that has extended a hand to the BF, RTCW, and HL communities.

Thu Sep 18, 2003 8:58 pm

Originally posted by Sgt.Fury
Hey Vegis (SW BF42 #1 ?)--U SUK as an admin (like the forum slang ?)...thought U might like to know that, before I go further....
et al, et al.

This guy is the parent of a child? We are truly doomed.

Thu Sep 18, 2003 9:29 pm

To: Lord Zog
From: Mister Fancypants

Nice Avatar...worse language, but after my Rugby match on Saturday..maybe you and Jack can come bye the Bottom Line, 17th and Eye, N.W. for a few beers on me (Your a smart guy, guess the city), besides listen to Teamspeak, Vegis is a schmuck. Later Dude. Oh yeah, really want to share that sausage? Or do you just take the Pork? Again...

Best Regards,

Fancy Pants

Thu Sep 18, 2003 9:51 pm

Dear Father Fury:

Do you have nothing better to do then make hypocritical posts here. Why are you so defensive and angry. You dont even give the admins time to reply before venting on some crazy stuff most of which didnt make sense to me. Speaking as an off and on player here Ive found the admins more then fair and if you just calmly explain your situation it gets resolved, most likely it was an accident.

As for you being a tough guy, who the hell cares. Besides I know Kung Fu :D and am a monster with the long staff.

Anytime anyone over the age of 30 uses the word "newbie" I cringe and wait for the world to end.

PS Rugby Blows!

PSS You do realise you asked to be flamed.

PSSS Do you work in computers or in a cubicle?

Thu Sep 18, 2003 10:00 pm

Dear Dad of Sgt. Fury;

Please remit your child to the nearest State Authority. Then whisk yourself to your favorite bar and please, please, please...drink yourself into oblivioun and remove yourself from this reality.

You are a sad, pathetic loser and your child deserves better.

Thu Sep 18, 2003 10:03 pm

Look, I think you need to calm down and understand a couple things. First off, I'm not associated with ECGN in any official way, I just play on their servers, so here is my view as someone who appreciates the business they provide.

1. ECGN is not a clan. It is a business that provides servers for rent to paying customers. It also, very charitably, provides free public servers for people to play a variety of games on ranging from Battlefield 1942, to Half-Life, to Return to Castle Wolfenstein.

2. ECGN wants to promote fair and balanced (don't sue me FOX) gameplay. Therefore, there are rules set in place on the servers that are strictly enforced by administrators (some of who volunteer) who sacrifice their free time by making sure the visitors of their servers have a fun time on a fast server. Thus, if they enjoy their experience, they might consider renting a server in the future.

3. Upon joining a server, a message is displayed requesting that guests of the server go to this webpage. If an administrator witnesses any player violating these rules on this page, they will respond accordingly. They don't discriminate. There is no way to tell the age, gender, or race, of the other person.

4. It is not uncommon for people to be accidently kicked/banned. It has happened to me, and the correct way of addressing the issue is to make a post on this forum that is polite, much like this one:

Iam a new user for the ecgn. I was playing on the bf42 1 sever and some person Vasgis kick me becasuse I was the back gun on the dd in D-day. I would like to me unbanned from the sever. Thank you .

(ECGN) Sgt.Fury

Not like yours. If you post politely, the admins will respond politely. If you explain the situation in a reasonable manner, more often than not, it will be rectified.

So, instead of jumping on these boards and flaming everyone about things that are completely false, maybe you should listen to your 10-year old son some more and learn a lesson from him. Be fully apprised of the whole situation before you blow your top.


P.S. If any of what I have said concerning the business of ECGN is false or tarnishes their image, feel free to edit this post.

-my $0.02

Thu Sep 18, 2003 10:27 pm

2 cents!

Thu Sep 18, 2003 10:46 pm

Ok the above was me putting in my two cents worth.

But seriously folks.

I have been banned twice from ECGN. The first time was a mistake on my part when chat lag caused me to get a message at the wrong time and flame a guy who I later found out to be a pretty good admin. The second time was a result of smacktards when I was playing an engineer and teammates were running over my mines.

Both Times I spoke to the appropriate people, explained my sitrep, and was unbanned. this was back in december/january of 02/03. The Admins that I know on this server are pretty fair and I have seen them go out of their way to accommadate young players.

In fact we had for a long while on our teamspeak a young lad of about 8 and when he first joined one of the teamspeak people (maybe an admin I am not saying) asked him his age. The poor lad (all of 8 years old) was afraid he was going to be kicked for being to young. The Admin patiently explained to him that no, he was not going to be booted, he just wanted to find out so as to advise us older gruffer people to watch their language when he was on.

This server is pretty good and I will freely admit I don't play on any others beside ECGN/BF42.

I can understand being an overprotective parent and am willing to forgive you a flame or two in anger over having what you presume to be a slight towards your son. I applaud you for wanting the best for your son and think that that is a good thing. However, calm down a bit and try and approach it from our viewpoint and maybe you will see that the people on this server set are good people and you may actually want your son to hang around with us. We have some really good players on these servers and most are really good guys, I think, from talking to them and playing against them.

In fact I would go so far as to gaurantee that if you hadn't launched a flamefest towards, whatever the admins name in question is, your son would have been back playing again that day.

Now is the time to teach your son another lesson. Admitting you are wrong is not a bad thing. Asking for forgiveness, wether what you did you percieve to be right or wrong, is not a bad thing.

And most importantly of all, a real man stands up, takes his lumps, and admits when he is wrong.

So give it a shot, ask politely why this happened, and see if this can't be avoided in the future. Trust me you won't be sorry.

Thu Sep 18, 2003 11:24 pm

Fury, I banned you.

You jumped into the parked destroyer on Omaha that was providing or at least trying to provide artillery fire. You then proceeded to drive it to the bottom of the map almost beaching it. Had you not jumped out at the last minute allowing the rear gunner to take control and stop it, it would have been beached. I figure you did this for one of 2 possible reasons:
1) To screw around.
2) To get the rear gunner out of the gun so you could jump in. (Which turns out is exactly what happened)

On Omaha you move the ship for only ONE reason, when it comes under fire. It wasn't. So I banned you. Apparently, the quality of your posts here supports my decision.

Thu Sep 18, 2003 11:42 pm

Damn...I don't know where to start.....

Young Fury....

Many times I've been asked to kick or ban you for the way you play on these servers. I've tried many times to tell you that your gameplay was improper for this type of game. It seems that most of the time, you've tried to adhere to the rules set for these servers, but then you revert back to bad gameplay. The same goes for your TeamSpeak use. Nothing wrong with some 'smack-talk'...we all do it. But even after warnings, you seem to revert back to poor and improper language on the TeamSpeak channel, causing others to ask me and the other admins to do something about it.

After reading the 'rantings' from your father.....I now understand.

If you would like another chance, I'm for it. Maybe we can help you with proper relations with others in a gaming environment. Please pay attention to the way most of us 'regulars' play this game. Learn from us by watching, listening, etc. and then adapt and try to improve on what you've learned. Many here will help you if you only ask. If you wish to continue with the way you're playing, then you should find some other place to play.

Thu Sep 18, 2003 11:43 pm

I dunno... the son seems OK. He asked politely, he's a new player and didn't know about the ship.

Let's not blame him for his lineage, he has no control over that. He showed more maturity than his father.

Sgt. Fury, just send a PM to MMmmGood on this forum, he'll see about unbanning you.

Please send your dad to bed before you log in to this forum however.

Fri Sep 19, 2003 12:00 am


When I first read this thread, I was not suprised by anything that was said. However, when I scrolled down and read the next post by Fury, I was completely blown away.

I feel others have said enough. Chacal said it best, send a PM to MMmmGood to see if Fury will be unbanned.. However, for the sanity of myself, and many others, this thread will be closed.

I will, however, say that many users here at ECGN are not teenagers. Most are mature adults who play here at night after spending time at work, and with their families. They come to have a good time.


And please, don't flame members here Fury. And if you do, I'll make sure you aren't able to post here ever again. Thank you for you understanding, and cooperation in this matter.
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