How about admin abuse?

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How about admin abuse?

Postby jdawgg2020j » Wed Jun 09, 2004 3:02 pm


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Postby Savant » Wed Jun 09, 2004 3:14 pm

The "length" of a tempban given is determined when the command is entered the first time, the player has to be present on the server for it to stick, time cannot be added.


Postby jdawgg2020j » Wed Jun 09, 2004 3:22 pm

Need proof? I'd be happy to screenshot the current time and then search for my other post so you can see the date it was posted - 999,999 seconds is 11 days, and I posted the first complaint a week and a half ago.

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Postby JimmyTango » Wed Jun 09, 2004 3:30 pm

So you are complaining about a ban not being lifted before it is supposed to be lifted since some stupid timer seems to be off?

I just want to make sure I have this straight before I start laughing.

Problems like this happen. If you let them know on the day the ban is supposed to end that you are still banned, they lift it. :roll:

I also saw your original post. Bleeding an admin and then tk'ing him, yeah, nothing bad at all. :roll:

Rule of Wrist

Postby Rule of Wrist » Wed Jun 09, 2004 3:32 pm

This thread really is in the wrong forum, unless you enjoy having random people coming in to flame you because they can... should be in the banned forums :)


Postby jdawgg2020j » Wed Jun 09, 2004 3:34 pm

Originally posted by JimmyTango
So you are complaining about a ban not being lifted before it is supposed to be lifted since some stupid timer seems to be off?

I just want to make sure I have this straight before I start laughing.

problem liek this happen. If you let them know of the day the ban is supposed to end that you are still banned, they lift it. :roll:

I also saw your original post. Bleeding an admin and then tk'ing him, yeah, nothing bad at all. :roll:

What in God's name are you talking about? I am confronting the problem before I get overtime. The fact is, I should be un-banned tomorrow - actually, it might be Friday now that I look at my old topic date. Never-the-less, I should not be banned for 8 more days. It was already discussed that he was full of crap when he said he banned me for the TK - go read the whole thing for the details :roll:

To Rule of Wrist: This is abuse. I have no more issues with the ban, it has already been discussed. The issue at hand now is the fact that my ban was extended significantly.

Also, where is the banned forum? I have never seen it, and just looked again and can't find it...

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Postby Tommy Boy » Wed Jun 09, 2004 3:36 pm

What the hell game are you talking about? BF or RTCW or what?


Postby jdawgg2020j » Wed Jun 09, 2004 3:37 pm

Originally posted by Tommy Boy
What the hell game are you talking about? BF or RTCW or what?

Does it matter? Keekanoo knows full well what game. For the record, RTCW - again, that does not matter at all given the topic of discussion.


Postby jdawgg2020j » Wed Jun 09, 2004 3:41 pm

Nevermind - it was my game's problem. My console was not updating for some reason. Now I am going to go get tech support that that someplace else.

Sorry for jumping the gun, but it is understandable given the terms of the ban in the first place :rotflmao:

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Postby Savant » Wed Jun 09, 2004 3:48 pm

Keek will be informed of your grievance,...ive said it before, ill say it again, if the bch admins suck,seem unfair why are you so eager to come back?


Postby jdawgg2020j » Wed Jun 09, 2004 4:51 pm

I come back out of hope admins like Keek are quote unquote "fired." That is just my opinion anyway, not to be taken as an offense or anything. It is a good server, lots of good challenging oponents, and one of the few big beach servers left these days.


Postby AnimalCracka » Wed Jun 09, 2004 5:00 pm

If it was up to me, you would stay banned. Your attitude sux.

Edit: sorry Keek, dont mean to intrude on your business.:beer:


Postby Keekanoo » Wed Jun 09, 2004 5:00 pm

Jdawg... if I get fired for banning tards who tk/bleed/act like complete jerks on the server... then you'd be welcome to run rampant.

As it is, thankfully, ECGN is in the business of running servers which are enjoyed by serious gamers not wanting to be tk'd/bled/accosted by jerks.

I'm still here, so I'm afraid you're just going to have to hold off on that twitchy bleeding/tk'ing trigger-finger of yours.

Of course... I'm lying about all that and really I just didn't like your shirt color, that's why I banned you. Oh, my dog chewed one of my shoes so I was upset about that too and had to take it out on someone and, well, your name has dawg in it.




Postby jdawgg2020j » Wed Jun 09, 2004 5:07 pm

Haha, ECG Network may be interested in running enjoyable servers, but made the fatal mistake of bringing aboard an admin such as yourself who buckles under pressure. You said it yourself, you were angry with another person and took your anger out on me - then of course you changed your story a few times before sticking with the "I banned you because you TKed me." If you cannot control your temper, then you should not be an admin. You need to have a level of maturity and responsibility to give warnings and keep your head on.

You say things as if I TK or "bleed" teammates all the time, which is completely false. You make things up faster than they fall out of you butt. I hardly ever shoot for ammo - you happened to have been bitching with another person and ignoring one who just saved one of your lives. So if you are a so called "serious gamer" you would give the common courtesy to quit your bickering and feed the medic a ammo pack or two. I had no idea you were an admin, but would have done the same regardless since I would not expect an admin to act so irrationally.


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Postby Savant » Wed Jun 09, 2004 5:14 pm

Would have done what regardless? shoot a mate for ammo?

will this banter ever end?


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