Possible Admin controversy?

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Postby shockwave203 » Tue May 20, 2003 1:36 pm

You won't get kicked or banned if you behave yourself, and you probably have not.

I always apologize if I do something stupid, last night I teamkilled Kristov and apologized immediately. If I'm ever teamkilled, I wait ten seconds, and if no one apologizes, I type game.TKpunish

If you behave yourself, you won't have any problems...so maybe you shouldn't have told him off!!

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Postby Buliwyf » Tue May 20, 2003 2:01 pm

Originally posted by shockwave203
You won't get kicked or banned if you behave yourself, and you probably have not.

I always apologize if I do something stupid, last night I teamkilled Kristov and apologized immediately. If I'm ever teamkilled, I wait ten seconds, and if no one apologizes, I type game.TKpunish

If you behave yourself, you won't have any problems...so maybe you shouldn't have told him off!!

According to my sources, tkpunish does not work on ecgn #1 as it is turned off, as a bunch of us asked this a few months ago.
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Postby Ralph Wiggum » Tue May 20, 2003 2:06 pm

Even if tkpunish is activated, I think punishing just because you didn't get an apology is a little too harsh. You can usually tell whether it was intentional based on the circumstances. I used to apologize whenever I accidentally killed someone, but now I only do it if I thought it could have been miscontrued.

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Postby Camel toe joe » Tue May 20, 2003 2:44 pm

I just says oops...

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Postby Kristov » Tue May 20, 2003 3:31 pm

Ah, Colonel..the warning I gave YOU was prompted because you DID grab a vehicle someone was using, a Kat, and started driving around in it, actually ramming my tank no less. RelayPoint was the person using it, he was on voice, and he was rather..annoyed..that you started driving off in his Kat while he was pounding the Axis. You were told to get out via the ingame chat, and I said screw it, and kicked you. Rules are posted on this very site, and they are clear about this subject. Then, when you returned, I told you, don't do it again, I'll ban you. You proceeded to cuss me out, so I banned you. Simple as that, SOP around here. We got rules posted, and I happen to know them rather well, since I'm the one who actually typed them all up :)

As for the B17 incident, Player was in my B17 shooting the thing to pieces, and I got tired of telling him to stop, so, I told him, next time he got in the B17, I'd ban him. It's not like he couldn't TELL he was shooting the B17 to pieces, since the gunners see the same plane health bar the pilot sees, and the fact that it's dropping while he's shooting, not to mention all the debris coming off the plane, SHOULD be a very clear indication that he's doing something wrong. When people continue to fire into the plane after that, I tend to ban them, as they are obvious TKers, and we don't condone nor allow TKers on the ECGN servers.

I'll let Jon make the call on you getting unbanned or not, I'm not in a very forgiving mood.
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Postby Chacal » Tue May 20, 2003 4:47 pm

Colonel Ingus, if eventually you get unbanned, I suggest getting on TeamSpeak with us. It's the only way you can really enjoy playing on ECGN, and it could have prevented this whole mess. We usually can't warn the players via the ingame chat , because of the severe chat lag caused by the intense activity on a 60-player server. Last night, chat lag was about 10 minutes. We can't wait 12 minutes for you to get out of the artillery.

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Postby shockwave203 » Tue May 20, 2003 5:06 pm

I'd use teamspeak more often, but I like to turn my volume WAY up which makes it more fun to me, atleast. If I do that, I can never understand anyone on teamspeak.

I should get a headset

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Postby Colonel Ingus » Tue May 20, 2003 7:05 pm

Apologies to you then Kristov. I was merely curious about that B17 incident as I was on the other side during it.

As far as the Katyusha thing. I honestly don't remember anyone being in the vehicle when I jumped into it. It was sitting by the house as you will recall thats were I ran into your T34. After that I spawned down on the main Allied base. I must have had spam lag on my in game messages. I was sitting in the easternmost house sniping up towards hill. I saw that there was airplanes sitting on the runway and no one was around. When I got in the plane and started taking off I got that message saying "don't steal vehicles" or something to that effect. I was assuming that you were reffering to the airplane and thats why I got hot. There wasn't even anyone around when I got into the plane.

Obviously a misconception on my part. I would like to play on your server again. If I am unbanned I will endevor to ask before I go off like that and will have Teamspeak running so as to avoid the message lag.
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." ... Benjamin Franklin


Postby Sannop » Tue May 20, 2003 8:18 pm

Originally posted by FLOPPY
One advice to the people repairing planes: If you do this on the vehicles spawnpoint it is quite normal that other people jump in it. Sometimes they do not even see the repairguy (being behind the plane). So if you really want to repair the planes, do not do it on the vehicles spawnpoint because this only results in those annoying situations.

You are amazingly sensible Floppy.



Postby Casus » Tue May 20, 2003 10:36 pm

PM me or Jon your IP.



Postby {CN}Doomfarer » Thu May 22, 2003 10:06 am

Originally posted by Sannop
You are amazingly sensible Floppy.


Most androids are... :D :D :D

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Postby Chacal » Thu May 22, 2003 3:39 pm

Does Floppy dream of electric sheep?

Edit: mmm... we could make a movie with this idea.


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Postby RCinator » Thu May 22, 2003 4:26 pm

Originally posted by Chacal
Does Floppy dream of electric sheep?

Electric, vibrating sheep.

While listening to Electric Ladyland.


Postby {CN}Doomfarer » Thu May 22, 2003 5:17 pm

Originally posted by RCinator
Electric, vibrating sheep.

While listening to Electric Ladyland.

Mmmmmm, electric vibrating sheep... :eek: :eek: :eek: If you need me, I'll be in my bunk. :D :D :D


Postby Freedom » Fri May 23, 2003 11:47 am

Originally posted by shockwave203
I'd use teamspeak more often, but I like to turn my volume WAY up which makes it more fun to me, atleast. If I do that, I can never understand anyone on teamspeak.

I should get a headset


Do you know you can set your Teamspeak volume separately from your game volume? Further, what I've done and it works really well, is a single ear and mic set-up for teamspeak and a full 5.1 surround setup for the game. Not just does it work really well, it also really gives you the feeling of using a radio for communicaiton. It's especially cool when playing games like Raven Shield because the Rainbow Agents are suppose to have a similar set-up.


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