admin abuse not needed or wanted

See people abusing the server? Cheating Scum? Post about them here for all to see their lameness.

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admin abuse not needed or wanted

Postby TheSponge » Sat Jul 12, 2003 12:03 pm

Does clan NCC pay for server If not.. how many complaints do you have to get about admin abuse about 1 of the NCC admins???? And what type/form of proof does one need????? And for those that believe admin abuse does not happen.. deal with it.. it does.. for real...:ar15:


Postby MMmmGood » Sat Jul 12, 2003 12:34 pm

I have faith in all my admins, and the only ones who complain are the ones who are kicked for a good reason.

If you want to prove it to me, send me screenshots if their "abuse".


Postby }-{ellfish » Sat Jul 12, 2003 12:36 pm

You called a vote to kick [NNC]Cyrus from the server ON PURPOSE because you dont like it that he slaughters many allies and killz a lot. That was not a vote for blocking or anything else, that was a vote because you dont liked him at the moment >> I wont tolerate that >> so I kicked you off.

If you call that abuse than you have much to learn kid.


Postby TheSponge » Sat Jul 12, 2003 12:50 pm

I'm not going to get into a pissing constest with you psyco.. i called a kick vote becuase he was respawn camping over and over again.. and here's a new's flash for you.. I'm no kid.. I don't like forums.. and I dont whinne.. I do however have eyes, your clannie was doing wrong by your own rules about respawn with him not the ppl trying to play honorably.

Peace out!:ar15:


Postby -=LOW=-Random » Sat Jul 12, 2003 1:05 pm

FIrst off... respawn or spawn camping is part of the game. If EA didn't allow for that possibility in the game they would have done something about it don't you think? Also, if you were really attacking an enemies outposts and working your way towards their main base, would you stop at the gates and sit there and wait for them to come out? This is a hot topic I am sure and it's obvious why. People spawning in get wacked bigtime. Then those people get pissed. But what is different about running around an enemies base than grabbing a flag and shooting the people who are spawning in while you try to sit it out and grab the flag? Nothing. This spawn camping bullshit is whining to me. If a whole friggin team spawning in can't coordinate enough effort and thought to take out a tank or a bunch of guys running through their area, then they deserve to lose. You know what I do if a tank comes rumbling into my main base and startings wailing death? I spawn in as Anti-Tank and fight. I don't scream "spawn camper". I am going off on this because as an admin, running my own server it gets annoying hearing people trying to "define" the rules of the game. If EA considered this a problem as I said before they would have done something about it... let soldiers not use health or ammo resupply in an enemy base or some such measure. The fact is that it's a playable part of the game. Not a bug. So everyone should deal with it.

That being said, if a server owner doesn't allow it and posts it then it becomes a rule to follow on THAT server. I completely agree with that and back it up. I also would think that if it's true that an admin was breaching a rule on that particular server then Sponge had every right to call for his kick. The admin kicking Sponge might not have known the full facts of what was happening at that moment but it seems clear to me that Sponge did nothing wrong if these events unfolded as he said.

End of story. Let the fireworks begin.


Postby }-{ellfish » Sat Jul 12, 2003 1:15 pm


So Spawn killing is impossible. This should not be unfamiliar to you. So what are you doing in those 6 seconds waiting in bunker to get your ass kicked I suppose, or run after 6 seconds through the trenches and get a panzer in your face. If you are out of the forward bunker or in bunker beyond 6 seconds and people kill you dont whine about spawn killing >> you had enough time to get your ass out of there. This is your own fault and if you dont see this than you are indeed a kid....

(And another thing, the NNC clan and the server stand loose of each other I will never give NNC clan members a privilege above other people >> I do what I think is right at the moment).


Postby MMmmGood » Sat Jul 12, 2003 2:17 pm

Random, wrong game there buddy ;)

Psycho is right. If you are stupid enough to stand around in the bunker for more than 6 seconds, you deserve to be spawn killed by the no talent n00bs who do so.


Postby Hysteria » Sat Jul 12, 2003 2:37 pm

Not to mention that allies can also spawn on the beach. That's what I use to do when we had the airstrike dilema a while ago. NNC is a good clan and most of the players are skilled and know the intracasies of the game. I believe the rep were starting to see here is because most of them are usually at the top of the list. I have never witnessed a NNC Admin abuse his powers. Fair warning is usually given to correct an action deemed inapropriate before one is kicked. Some instances have proven severe enough that a warning is unnecassary ie..Gross slander, racial comments etc..and are much deserved.


Postby Casus » Sat Jul 12, 2003 2:52 pm

ECGN servers are not clan servers, admins who are in a clan are expected to be fair, and not biased towards clan members, etc.

Please remember this.



Postby TheSponge » Sat Jul 12, 2003 2:55 pm

With 54+ players on the server.. 6 seconds out of the bunkers is running it tight. Esp when you have not 1 panzer respawning.. but 3. We know this is part of the game ppl.. its the skirting question that beg's answering: why are rules posted by admins on the server to ppl that don't exsist??? Because more then one time.. when they are being respawned on.. they kick the ppl doing it... double standard? I'm done with this public BS. You want to debate me? PM me.. This kind of thing should not be debated by ppl that were not there at the time of the abuse.

Tour of Duty

Postby Tour of Duty » Sat Jul 12, 2003 3:01 pm

hi, I was there when you played :)


Postby -=LOW=-Random » Sat Jul 12, 2003 3:17 pm

LOL! Well the general rule applies anyway. Work the Problem!!! Don't Cry About it!!! is my motto. Whatever the game.


Postby MMmmGood » Sat Jul 12, 2003 3:24 pm

Originally posted by TheSponge
With 54+ players on the server.. 6 seconds out of the bunkers is running it tight. Esp when you have not 1 panzer respawning.. but 3. We know this is part of the game ppl.. its the skirting question that beg's answering: why are rules posted by admins on the server to ppl that don't exsist??? Because more then one time.. when they are being respawned on.. they kick the ppl doing it... double standard? I'm done with this public BS. You want to debate me? PM me.. This kind of thing should not be debated by ppl that were not there at the time of the abuse.

Okay, thread closed then.

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