Come on..

See people abusing the server? Cheating Scum? Post about them here for all to see their lameness.

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Come on..

Postby Casus » Wed Oct 16, 2002 7:19 pm

No lamers at all?

I know of ONE!



Postby Chode » Thu Oct 17, 2002 5:21 am

yeah, I know of one. don't immediately throw me off just because you may know him

{SK} Kristov on the battlefield 1942 server, an admin of the server. First off, he kicked about 10 people with ping over 200 saying they lag the server. I'm in IT at a college and I can promise you that high pinging machines do not lag servers. But that isn't the point.

We were on battle of the bulge, I was allies, he was axis. I was silent the whole game because I wanted to play and not chat. After a close loss on our team, he attacked our last position with a panzer two consequtive times, and I was in a sherman. I defeated him both times. I saw him spawn at the Allies' base camp which we were about to capture, and he was sitting still in a tank not doing anything. Next thing I know, I was kicked. Kicked because I killed him two times in a row with the same tank. He was the only admin because the other left 5 minutes before.

Pathetic behavior, I don't really care if he is your friend. Sorry, but that is just disgusting 13 year old immature behavior. I'm banned now by the way, it doesn't let me reconnect even though the server is up.



Postby Casus » Thu Oct 17, 2002 3:43 pm

Don't feel worried for speaking your mind, not here.

I'll see what happened.



Postby MMmmGood » Thu Oct 17, 2002 4:50 pm

Well first off, high pingers DO lag the server. Normally in any other game, they just lag themselves. In this game, ALL of the shot prediction is SERVER based, thats why it takes such a monster server to run this game. In any Q3 engine game, it is client based.

So yes high pingers make the server work harder to do the prediction, therefore lagging out the rest of the players. As far as Kristov kicking you, i've known him for a long time and he wouldnt do anything without a good reason. I'll have to drag his ass in here and have him say what happened.



Postby Casus » Fri Oct 18, 2002 3:11 am

High Pingers have no place on OC48Gaming.Com servers!



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Postby Kristov » Fri Oct 18, 2002 3:36 am's my side of the story..same as I posted it in the BF42 forums..where he also posted his bs story...

Actually, it's [SRM] Kristov, get my nick right, thanks. I'm not a member of {SK}, just an admin.

And, for the record, you weren't kicked, you were banned. Why? Actually, being an admin, I'm under no obligation to explain anything to you, especially as you've been on the server long enough to know the few simple rules we have.

1) Don't be a smacktard, you will be kicked, period.

2) Don't be a fucktard, you will be banned, period.

3) Players with pings over 200 are usually kicked(this is an optional thing, I don't do it, {SK}MMmmGood does, his server).

You, Node, were banned for being a fucktard last night. You were mocking the admins(both myself and Good), you were being a really pissy loser(calling people who killed you child molesters and worse, NOT in good fun either, a CONSTANT habit of yours), and simply being a total fucktard, as you usually are on the server. I'd simply had enough of your bs and I banned your arse. You've ALWAYS been a disruptive player on the server, and I'd simply had enough. The server is up for people to play a good and fun game, without worrying about smacktards or fucktards. You've shown, by your actions, over the past weeks, that you are a fucktard, so, you were banned.
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Postby aleste » Sun Oct 20, 2002 9:37 pm

uhh, want lamers that bad.. okay i got one..

some guy named mMmMmMmBOP(couldnt resist).. err thats mmmmmgood..

uh yeah he kept sitting on an AA gun and shooting flak at my plane.. I mean come on, get a life and go drive a tank in the middle of the desert and die like everyone else!

yeah, major lameness that time


Postby MMmmGood » Sun Oct 20, 2002 9:38 pm



Postby Edogg » Sun Oct 20, 2002 9:59 pm

:rotflmao: lol

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Postby Kristov » Sun Oct 20, 2002 10:40 pm

OH OH OH!!!!

I know a lamer!

This person called Aleste..does NOTHING but fly around dropping bombs on people who can't fight back!

Really lame..I mean..come on, bombing ground targets..where's the challenge in that?


BTW, you already know, if I'm on, we're on the same team, any plane you want, say the word, it's yours. You and BigBull are the best damned pilots I've seen, and that includes myself :)
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Postby aleste » Mon Oct 21, 2002 3:55 pm

no, not totally..

maybe one of the best dive bomber pilots, but a superb fighter pilot can fly a fighter better.

I usually oversteer fighters, so used to sluggish controls, hard to keep remembering that when you bank left its going to go left.. fast :)

Also harder to hit ground targets.. usually have to make a second pass at the same tank to get em.. Mustang flys too fast, timing is totally different :)

But I must say nothing is more enjoyable than seeing a spitfire appear behind me, then 30 seconds later hearing the sound of their plane smashing into the desert hills i'm hugging as they try to shoot and fly at same time :)

well, seeing a blur of blue names in an APC might be better.. or a moron sitting in a non moving priest in the middle of a desert

And can't fiight back.. 95% of the damage my planes receive is from BAR's or tank/apc mounted machine guns.. AA guns usually easy to avoid if you know where they are

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Postby Kristov » Mon Oct 21, 2002 8:25 pm

Ok, we'll modify that, anytime there's a 2-seat bomber, say the word, it's yours :) I prefer the fighters myself, or the B17 when availible.
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Postby aleste » Tue Oct 22, 2002 6:42 am

The ball turret and top turret gunners always complain when I fly the b17.

i try to fly it like a fighter, 30 feet off the ground :)

Works great cept when my pc decided to skip, and it never does till I'm flying at a hill and won't have time to pull up :)


Postby Wolverine » Wed Oct 23, 2002 1:16 pm

What the hell is wrong with this dude chode. Thats the nastiest shit i have ever seen.


Postby Edogg » Wed Oct 23, 2002 2:14 pm

chode you are one fucked up individual. i can see why that guy banned you from his server.:mad:


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