I'm an idiot and I'm sorry =(

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Tr0LL V1.2

I'm an idiot and I'm sorry =(

Postby Tr0LL V1.2 » Thu Feb 19, 2004 4:16 pm

Well the week I played on your server I had just gotten the game and had little realized just how bad other servers are when it comes to rampent stupidity.

These are just observations of stupidity I've witness and endured;

Ten people waiting for 2-3 planes on various maps, while flags are taken over and the game is lost.

-These same ten people waiting coming up to eachother with knives or pistols and provoking you.

-Shooting their own team plane down because you got it and they didn't. Players mining their own airfield just to be a prick.

-Opposing team coming into the airfield with a tank and spawn killing the idiots waiting for a plane even though they can't take that area over.

-People shooting other in the back. Causing the victim to kill whoevers behind him. Snowballing into mass tking.

-most irritating. Someone marking you as a buddy and following you around and pushing you away from the window while trying to snipe. Jumping up and down in front of your Artillery sight.

-admins ignoring all this. Even when cries from 10 people are heard for the same player.

It made me reflect on my own stupid behaviour that had gotten me banned from this server. As I reflected why I was banned I also realized my stupidity in the way I acted towards Wrist of Rule and why at first the ban was a month. It was a month because of such stupid and belligerent remarks as this;
*disclaimer: I'm sure the admins already know they were right and don't need my justification but I would like to remorse that is sincere and can only do that if I know what idiocy i was indeed guilty of. Also my apology does not have to with the stupidity I witness on other servers but truely the fact that yours has been the best team work, admining and experience I've played battlefield on.

TroLLs Folly(stupidity) #1
"I didn't even unload my gun into his plane, I simply put one shot in to his wing."

Its an idiotic thing to try to discern between complete damage and minor damage. I shouldn't of done it period.

"So he'd note my distaste for him. I guess admins don't adhere to a higher standard. My bad."

I'm not even gonna touch this one. It's to embarrassing.

"Yet I was banned for no apparent reason."

There obviously was a reason. A reason I may not accepted at the time but a reason all the same.

"I'm sorry if I hurt his ego, I had no intention."
"I should have just switched sides and beaten him senseless with my pure unadulterated skills."
Now although some was meant in jest. It doesn't help my cause in reflecting i'm sorry.

It now occurs to me that wrist of rules 1 month banned was not the result of what I had done in game but a result of how I asked and tried to insult him during my apology. Any other person would have reacted the same way to my stupidity.

TroLLs folly(idiocy) #2

After hearing his action I did not stop my onslaught of ignorance. Observe;
"A month hardly sounds reasonable for the event that occured. However I'm not going to beg, nor come back in a month from now when you've decided I've "been punished enough"

"And thanks for being so understanding, reasonable and taking an apology with such grace. More power to you."

Again, obviously my 1 month ban was more about how I acted in "apologizing" for my behaviour. And the Sarcasm I displayed hardly denoted or displayed I was sorry.

TroLLs Folly(moronism)#3

"I'm sorry I'm not here crying with remorse to you for shooting one imaginary round into a graphically created plane. I think you need a little perspective in life. Or maybe I'm "paying the price" for your lifes quest of holding power over people. I'm no longer asking to be unbanned I hope you realize that. I'm sure you play as the Germans all the time. Fascism suits you. The real world might leave you powerless. But you are a tough guy here, eh?"

His actions did not denote any need for graveling. Nor did he want it. I realize that he was reacting to my obvious lack of diplomacy and my readiness to insult him. His response was entirely straight forward and his decision to place the ban was entirely due to my stupid behaviour after the fact of what I had done in game.

TroLLs Folly (oh please god make them stop) #4

I'm not even gonna quote myself here cause my stupidity got way out of control. The latter of them (you know where I systematically alienate myself from all the admins and members) was made after coming home from a bar. Which is like stupidity squared.

To sum up, something then I didn't realize was that I was acting like an asshole and gave no reason for any mercy. Even though some was shown. Its not my place to question a admins motives and actions that are fair and well needed for the sake of the server.

You don't need me to tell you I acted like an idiot. But for what it's worth, I give Rule of Wrist and the rest of you guys my humblest of apology and ask maybe that you give me a 6th chance and consider unbanning me. I've sinced patched my stupidity although I'm sure there are some bugs still I think I can prove I'm not just a :tard:


Postby cashcow » Thu Feb 19, 2004 4:21 pm

Wow, I sense an inferiority complex...

Eh, give the guy another chance.


Postby Bagginses » Thu Feb 19, 2004 4:56 pm

pssst. It' Rule of Wrist. Change it before he notices. :D


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Postby residue » Thu Feb 19, 2004 5:05 pm

if time is money, it may have been cheaper to buy a new copy of the game. i'm almost certain that your penitence will trigger a movement by wrist of rules.

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Postby hightimber » Thu Feb 19, 2004 5:17 pm

Sounds like V1.2 is a much better version. If Rule will have him, I'd say he's learned his lesson. We know he (Troll) now fully appreciates ECGN for what it is. Troll sounds like he can be a real team player.

Rule of Wrist

Postby Rule of Wrist » Thu Feb 19, 2004 5:33 pm

Well, to be honest, I don't think I've been treated with more disrespect than in your earlier thread...

That said, I don't think I've seen anybody swallow their pride and ego quite so thoroughly as in this thread.

Since it seems genuine, I'm willing to lift your ban, after that original month has passed. As they say, talk is cheap. The date on that old thread was Feb 5... so your ban will be lifted on Mar 5. (if I forget, just remind me and it will be done :) )

Everyone loses their cool sometimes, I'm willing to forgive that... in the mean time, keep learning the game, and try to find a few servers that don't have quite the smacker population... there are a few clan servers out there that have some good admin coverage, you might try them, but most of them aren't 64 player servers :(

See you in a couple of weeks :)

Tr0LL V1.2

Postby Tr0LL V1.2 » Thu Feb 19, 2004 5:48 pm

Thank you. I'm looking forward to it.

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Postby SHWoff » Thu Feb 19, 2004 5:56 pm

Feel the love...
Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he'll sit in the boat and drink beer all day...

The Nazinator

Postby The Nazinator » Thu Feb 19, 2004 6:41 pm

Looks like you've come to the same conclusion as the rest of us, Troll: That ecgn is one of the best/if not THE BEST public server out there. Look forward to seeing another enlightened face on the battlefield in the future.

Just make sure to use the next few weeks wisely and download teamspeak/purchase a mic if you don't have one. Being on TS goes a long way towards combating the idiocy mentioned in your post, since you can immediately report smacktardism to admins and get action taken.

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Postby JimmyTango » Thu Feb 19, 2004 6:41 pm

Originally posted by Rule of Wrist
Well, to be honest, I don't think I've been treated with more disrespect than in your earlier thread...

What? You jerk. How could you foget about me?

No spooning tonight, sweetheart.


Postby Agent-Commando » Thu Feb 19, 2004 6:58 pm

Originally posted by The Nazinator
Looks like you've come to the same conclusion as the rest of us, Troll: That ecgn is one of the best/if not THE BEST public server out there. Look forward to seeing another enlightened face on the battlefield in the future.

Yeah, without ECGN I'll never play BF1942 again... our server is the best, notice how on afternoons and nights it's always full!! Even late into the night after 1am EST on weekdays it's still full! This rarely happened a few months back!

Troll sounds full of repentance and remorse, jolly good show...

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Postby Bossman » Thu Feb 19, 2004 9:58 pm

Originally posted by residue
i'm almost certain that your penitence will trigger a movement by wrist of rules.

What kind of movement are we talking here?:freak:


Postby {CN}Doomfarer » Fri Feb 20, 2004 4:48 pm

Originally posted by SHWoff
Feel the love...

Oooooh yeah, now feel the love a little to the right... oh...ooohhh.... aaaaaahhhh. Thanks

Fat Bastard

Postby Fat Bastard » Sat Feb 21, 2004 12:22 am

Yeap if it wasnt for ECGN I would have to spend more money on another game. Cause I can stand playing on the laggy and tard infested other servers. Look forward to killing you Troll in acouple weeks :)

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Postby FarginMofo » Sat Feb 21, 2004 4:00 am

Now Now FatBastard, is that anyway to treat a new guy??

One piece of advice Troll when you do come back on...Grow eyes in the back of your head because we have several knife wielding crazy-ass mofos on this server. ;)
"Well, we're not just gonna let you walk out of here."
"Who's we sucka!?"
"Smith and Wesson and me."


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