Banned: Expack Kills

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Banned: Expack Kills

Postby Unregistered » Sat May 15, 2004 8:11 pm

Player: |R| Spc. Airnate |F|

Reason: Banned for accidental expack kills during Berlin. Allies Side

Stated in ECGN TeamSpeak Public server what happened to MMmmmGood and he stated he saw what I did. I laid ex-packs around sand bags on Allies Berlin default spawn and detonated packs when Axis infantry were coming up hill to camp. During this time my team spawned and I killed many players, and was told I didn't kill any axis from MMmmGood. I stated I was sorry, but was told to post here from one of my clan members. Thanks

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Postby residue » Sat May 15, 2004 9:19 pm

i can't comment about the incident on berlin but i think you could work a bit on your team play.

i kicked you once tonight for blatantly mining a friendly plane on santa croce when someone grabbed it before you could. normally i ban people for those types of offenses.

i later saw you waiting on the axis destroyer on wake for half the round expecting me to kick fnk.l from the back gun. while his aim was terrible, you could have made better use of yourself instead of standing on the ship constantly calling for him to be booted. did you happen to notice that one of your clanmates in the front turret had a score of -5 with 3 kills?

your language also tends to be hostile. i know that it can be frustrating when other players don't play up to your standards but there's no reason to constantly curse at them or make other derogatory remarks.

we have admins to address the troublemakers and it's in your best interest not to become one of them.


Postby MMmmGood » Sat May 15, 2004 10:19 pm

Post back on Monday with your cdkey hash and I will unban you.


Postby Unregistered » Sat May 15, 2004 10:55 pm

My teamplay is fine.

Mining the plane was intentional because the same player was shooting me earlier. I admit that I shouldn't have revenged TK'ed as you stated. Agreed

Waiting on destroyer? How about being an engineer repairing the ship? I always stay with Rich4Four when he is in the ship. Ask any RF member. I was watching the turret hit the ship many times and he was just screwing around, and I was just stated what he was doing. Maybe you should have told him to actually go out and do something productive.

Hostile language? I do tend to have a problem with that, but when you request something nicely and nothing happens, you tend to get a little disturbed. Sorry about that.

And in closing, I'm not a troublemaker. Maybe its in your best interest to know who your allies really are.

Thank you for your time.

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Postby residue » Sat May 15, 2004 11:44 pm





5/15/2004 18:48:32 : # [Axis] |R| Spc. Airnate |F|: I'M FUCKING DOWN
5/15/2004 18:48:38 : # [Axis] |R| Spc. Airnate |F|: GET THE GOD DAMN REAR FUCKING FLAG
5/15/2004 18:49:06 : # [Axis] |R| Spc. Airnate |F|: I SAID FUCKING AIR DROP

5/15/2004 19:30:21 : # [Global] residue: airenate please don't tk like that agan
5/15/2004 19:30:43 : # [Global] |R| Spc. Airnate |F|: if Ididn't do what I did, he woul dhave tk

5/15/2004 19:42:19 : # [Axis] |R| Spc. Airnate |F|: REPAIR THE BOAT!!!!
5/15/2004 19:42:22 : # [Axis] |R| Spc. Airnate |F|: YOU DUMASSES
5/15/2004 19:42:35 : # [Axis] |R| Spc. Airnate |F|: lrepari the fucking boat
5/15/2004 19:42:50 : # [Axis] |R| Spc. Airnate |F|: fucking repair the boat!!!!!
5/15/2004 19:43:17 : # [Axis] |R| Spc. Airnate |F|: repair the fucking boat
5/15/2004 19:43:26 : # [Axis] |R| Spc. Airnate |F|: repair the fucking boat
5/15/2004 19:43:47 : # [Axis] |R| Spc. Airnate |F|: YOU MOTHE FUCKERS. LISTEN UP
5/15/2004 19:43:53 : User residue 2 said 'Player |R| Spc. Airnate |F| please tone down the language'.
5/15/2004 19:43:56 : # [Axis] |R| Spc. Airnate |F|: dumb fucks
5/15/2004 19:44:36 : # [Allies] |R| Spc. Airnate |F|: who the fucking?!

5/15/2004 19:46:13 : # [Global] |R| Spc. Airnate |F|: um nunya, is shooting his own planes in F6
5/15/2004 19:46:19 : # [Global] |R| Spc. Airnate |F|: i'm abou to shoot him so I can do some goo
5/15/2004 19:46:28 : # [Global] residue: DO NOT REVENGE TK
5/15/2004 19:46:34 : # [Global] |R| Spc. Airnate |F|: i'm not.
5/15/2004 19:46:40 : # [Global] |R| Spc. Airnate |F|: waiting for you to do something

5/15/2004 20:06:17 : # [Axis] |R| Spc. Airnate |F|: i'M WANTING HIS SPOT
5/15/2004 20:06:23 : # [Axis] |R| Spc. Airnate |F|: SO THE r | f TEAM CAN KICK ASS.
5/15/2004 20:06:26 : # [Axis] |R| Spc. Airnate |F|: He's just shooting anything
5/15/2004 20:06:32 : # [Axis] |R| Spc. Airnate |F|: look at his score :|

5/15/2004 20:44:18 : # [Global] |R| Spc. Airnate |F|: ANTONIUS YOU DUMBSS!
5/15/2004 20:44:21 : # [Global] |R| Spc. Airnate |F|: KILL ME AGAIN
5/15/2004 20:44:31 : User residue at said 'Player |R| Spc. Airnate |F| please tone down the language'.
5/15/2004 20:44:48 : # [Global] |R| Spc. Airnate |F|: POPEYE!
5/15/2004 20:44:51 : # [Global] |R| Spc. Airnate |F|: YOU DUMB FUCKS
5/15/2004 20:45:00 : # [Global] |R| Spc. Airnate |F|: WHEN PEOPLE ARE UP THERE. DON'T FUCKING GE
5/15/2004 20:45:55 : # [Allies] |R| Spc. Airnate |F|: mass wtf?!

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Postby Chacal » Sat May 15, 2004 11:49 pm

Well if we unban him, it's the last chance.

[SIZE="1"][color="LightBlue"]Reporter: "Mr Gandhi, what do you think of western civilization?"
Gandhi: "I think it would be a great idea."[/color][/SIZE]


Postby Unregistered » Sun May 16, 2004 1:01 am

I'll repost my message about the language incase you missed it the first time.

"Hostile language? I do tend to have a problem with that, but when you request something nicely and nothing happens, you tend to get a little disturbed. Sorry about that."


Postby AnimalCracka » Sun May 16, 2004 1:52 am

If you get unbanned, cool the language. If I see that kind of verbal abuse while Im on, your banned again. A small amount of cussing is fine, that is ridiculous.

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