~LK~ is Recruiting

Off topic, but don't go too far overboard - after all, we are watching...heh.

~LK~ is Recruiting

Postby TheOne7505 » Thu Mar 06, 2003 12:58 am

Liberty Knights (~LK~) are recruiting and our ranks are filling up! We are looking for dedicated, good team players. ~LK~ clan has it’s own OC48 server but you must pay for your spot on the server. Dues are NOT a mandatory thing to be apart of ~LK~ clan but in order for us to have our server we must pay for it. Which means every member that is going to play on the server pays a $22 due every 3 months. If you do not pay your due you will only be able to get on the server if it is made public. ~LK~ clan also has a rank structure and everyone has his or her own job to do in their respective squads. There is a meeting held every week for gripes, ideas, ect… We have tactics laid out on tactical maps which are put together by officer’s and other enlisted men to ensure that everyone on the team is on the same page. ~LK~ clan has few rules but you must respect the ones that we have. Two mandatory things that we ask of you is that #1 you must download Teamspeak, you must be able to hear your squad at all times, if you do not have a microphone that is ok, as long as you can hear your squad and follow your orders. #2 is that you must download ICQ, officer’s and other enlisted men MUST be able to get a hold of you and find out what your status is. We understand that people have lives and that is one of our motto’s (life first)! We also have an age limit, you must be at least 20 years old to join our clan and we ask you to be honest when enlisting with us. The clan has an Air Corps, Navy, Ect…. and there are positions available, so if you’re a good team player come enlist today with Liberty Knights. Any questions please feel free to ask.


TheOne (1st Lt.) ~LK~

P.S. We are a North American clan, our web site domain is in the UK but so is our Web Master : )

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