
Make sure to bring lots of med packs, our 64 player beach server is intense!

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Re: Suggestion

Postby DanielMode » Wed Aug 24, 2016 2:59 pm

[[[MAD.etwas]]] wrote:i agree, we really need some new maps. the only custom map we get is frostbite.
like pipi said: projekt schwalbe, flooded town, tundra, escape -> great maps
i also suggest mml_church, hydro dam, wizernes, tundra, kungfu (well, ok, we get kungfu every 2 months once), paderborn, password2, communique (way better than base), beach2e, tank, river... there are tons of awesome maps. maybe just add some from time to time please? and maybe some more creativity by admins when changing maps, i know there are already other custom maps than frostbite (must be msb's favourite) on the server.

also, maa, please re-think the maxlives settings on some maps. can't be whole axis team gets skulled 10 minutes b4 round ends on castle (and teams weren't that bad).


i'm dreaming every night about your suggestion :cry:


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